
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

My wife and I like having a nice car or a decent home. Does this mean we're putting things ahead of God?

I know from time to time you warn people about putting money in the place of God, but how do you know when that's happened? I really believe I love God, but I admit that my wife and I like a nice car or a decent home as much as the next person. Does this mean we're putting things ahead of God?

How can I tell my non-religious extended family that I've found Jesus without sounding like I think I'm better than they are?

I didn't come from a religious family, but this past year I went through treatment for cancer, and to make a long story short, one of the women I met during chemotherapy led me to Christ. How can I tell my extended family about this without sounding like I think I'm better than they are?

My mother is constantly making comments about the fact that I'm not married yet. How can I tell her to back off?

My mother is constantly making little comments about the fact that I'm not married yet, and it's beginning to get on my nerves. How can I tell her to back off? I'm not ready to take such a major step just yet.

My son is in fifth grade, and he's having a lot of problems. The school says he might need medication to calm him down. I'm not sure I like him being on a drug.

My son is in fifth grade, and he's having a lot of problems in class right now. I blame it all on my divorce last year, which upset him greatly, but the school says he might need medication to calm him down. How do I know what's right for him? I'm not sure I like him being on a drug.

What is your definition of worship?

What is your definition of worship? Our church has just started an alternative worship service (in addition to our usual one) with contemporary music and all that, but I have a hard time thinking of it as worship. Am I just out of date?

We took out one of those sub prime mortgages to buy our house, and now we can't make the payments. Will God help us get out of this somehow?

We have really gotten ourselves in a hole because we took out one of those sub prime mortgages a couple of years ago to buy our house, and now we can't make the payments. It sounded like a good deal at the time, but we didn't read the fine print. Will God help us get out of this somehow?

I think God is within every one of us, and we just need to look within ourselves to discover our true oneness with the Divine.

I agree with you when you say we are separated from God, but I don't think we should think of God as some great power "out there" that we need to be reconciled with. God is within every one of us, and we just need to look within ourselves to discover our true oneness with the Divine.

When is the world going to come to an end? A friend of mine has a book that says it's going to end in 2010.

When is the world going to come to an end? A friend of mine has a book that says it's going to come to an end in 2010 (I think it is), but how does that person know?

Our children are excited to be in the Christmas play at church, but my husband has made it clear he doesn't intend to go. How can I explain this to them?

Our children are looking forward to being in the Christmas play coming up at our church, but my husband doesn't want anything to do with church and he's made it clear he doesn't intend to go. How can I explain this to them?

Out of the blue, my wife told me that she didn't love me, and now she's filed for divorce. Can God get us back together?

I feel devastated because out of the blue, my wife told me last month that she didn't love me any more and she was leaving. When I try to call her, she just hangs up, and now she's filed for divorce. Can God get us back together somehow, or should I just try to move on with my life?

I've been teaching a junior high class for five years in our church, and I don't think I'm doing any good. Why shouldn't I just quit?

I've been teaching a junior high class for five years in our church, and I'm about to give it up. I don't think I'm doing any good, because the kids spend half their time asking questions I can't answer, and the rest of the time they just seem bored. Why shouldn't I just quit?

Why do Christians believe Jesus is the only way of salvation? Isn't that being rather narrow-minded and judgmental?

Why do Christians believe Jesus is the only way of salvation? Isn't that being rather narrow-minded and judgmental? The world has a lot of people in it who don't believe in Jesus but some of them are just as good as the Christians I know (or even better).