
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

My pastor talks about the blood of Jesus saving us, and I don't understand what he means. Is he quoting from the Bible?

I'm new at going to church, so I apologize if my question is too simple. But several times our pastor has talked about the blood of Jesus saving us, and I don't understand what he means by that (and I'm too embarrassed to ask). Is he quoting from the Bible?

Our pastor wants to attract young people to our church, but some of our older members don't want to make any changes. What would you say?

Our pastor wants to do some things to attract young people to our church, but some of our older members say they like things exactly the way they are and we don't need to make any changes. What would you say about this?

Just before my devout Christian mother died, she had a look of unbelievable peace and joy on her face. Do you think God was giving her a glimpse of heaven?

My mother was a very devout Christian, and just before she died she had a look of unbelievable peace and joy on her face. Do you think perhaps God was giving her a glimpse of heaven?

As a disabled person, how can I avoid falling into self-pity and despair, when I know I'm never going to get better?

I have been disabled almost all my life, and the older I get the harder it is to keep up a smiling front. My faith sustains me most of the time, but I admit I sometimes fall into self-pity and despair. But how can I avoid it, when I know I'm never going to get better?

If America is a Christian nation, why is there so much immorality in your movies and television programs? We would not allow these things in my country.

I am from a foreign country studying in one of your universities. A friend of mine suggested I ask you my question. If America is a Christian nation, why is there so much immorality in your movies and television programs? We would not allow these things in my country.

Was Jesus really born of a virgin?

Was Jesus really born of a virgin? I have a hard time believing He didn't have a human father, just like everyone else does.

What is the true meaning of Christmas, in your opinion?

What is the true meaning of Christmas, in your opinion? I hear a lot about peace and good will and things like that around Christmastime, but is this the whole story?

I haven't got long to live. I know I need God, but is it too late?

I know I haven't got long to live, because the doctors have just told me I have liver cancer and it's too far advanced to treat. I know I need God, but is it too late? I admit I haven't lived a very good life.

What, in your opinion, is the greatest hindrance to the growth of Christianity today? Is it atheism, or is it some political system that has no use for God?

What, in your opinion, is the greatest hindrance to the growth of Christianity today? Is it atheism (which is what I tend to think), or is it some political system that has no use for God?

Our son will be home for the Christmas holidays, and he has let it be known that he doesn't believe in God like he used to.

Our son will be coming home from college for the Christmas holidays, and the last time he was here he let it be known that he didn't believe in God like he used to. We ended up in a big argument because we couldn't answer his questions, but we don't want that to happen again.

Shouldn't we have purer motives for our giving than getting a big deduction on our income tax?

I was surprised the other day when our church treasurer urged people to be as generous as possible before the end of the year, and the only reason he gave was so we'd get a big deduction on our income tax. Shouldn't we have purer motives than this for our giving?

It seems to me that God ought to let everyone into heaven if He truly loves us.

If God is a loving God, how can He send anyone to hell? It seems to me that He ought to let everyone into heaven if He truly loves us. I honestly hope it's like that, because I haven't been a very good person (I'm in prison right now), and I don't like thinking about hell.