
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Many years ago, I vowed to God that I'd do something, but I never did it. Have I committed an unforgivable sin?

Many years ago, I vowed to God that I'd do something which seemed important at the time, but I never did it because my circumstances changed and it wasn't possible. But I've been haunted all these years with the fear that I committed an unforgivable sin. Is this right? I hope not.

Our church's pattern of worship never varies from week to week. isn't there a danger that church will become so familiar that we'll forget what it's supposed to mean?

We moved recently, and the church we're going to now has a very formal pattern of worship which never varies from week to week (unlike our old church). We like the people and the pastor, but isn't there a danger that we'll become so familiar with what we do every week that we'll forget what it's supposed to mean?

I just don't get anything out of reading the Bible. Why should I keep reading?

My aunt (who's in her 90s) still reads her Bible every day, and has for many years. I've tried to follow her example, but to be honest, the next day I can't even remember what I read the day before. I just don't get anything out of it. Why should I keep reading?

Do you think people in heaven remember what went on during their lifetimes on earth?

Do you think people in heaven remember what went on during their lifetimes on earth? I'd hate to think my husband (who died last year) has forgotten all about me or doesn't remember the happiness we had together.

How can I make myself love people who are very hard to love?

I understand the Bible says we ought to love everyone, but some of my relatives are very difficult, and when we got together this Christmas it wasn't very pleasant. How can I make myself love people who are very hard to love?

I hope you'll warn people not to think divorce is the easy way out, because it isn't.

I thought divorce was the answer, but I realize now it wasn't. It's too late to go back and change things (my ex-wife has remarried anyway), but I hope you'll warn people not to think divorce is the easy way out, because it isn't. I should have tried harder to keep my marriage together.

Why do so many churches have problems and conflicts?

Why do so many churches have problems and conflicts? In our case, it comes from older members who don't want to welcome some of the new people who've moved into our area, but it could be almost anything. Why is this?

People say I'm a perfectionist, because I'll see their flaws and try to correct them. How can I learn to be more tolerant of people's flaws?

People say I'm a perfectionist, and I guess they're probably right. But I admit it gets me in trouble with people sometimes, because I'll see their flaws and try to correct them, and then they get upset with me. How can I learn to be more tolerant of people's flaws?

After I retired, we moved to a different part of the country, but we haven't been very happy here. Did we make a mistake?

After I retired six months ago, we moved to a different part of the country. We'd been looking forward to it for a long time, but I'm afraid we haven't been very happy here. We haven't made any friends, and we almost wish we were back home. Did we make a mistake?

Do you think the antichrist is already alive? Or is the antichrist just a symbol or a figure of speech?

Do you think the antichrist is already alive? Theres so much evil and violence in the world today that I can't help but wonder if he is alive and behind it all. Or is the antichrist just a symbol or a figure of speech?

How do you know when God is trying to tell you something?

How do you know when God is trying to tell you something? I walked away from a bad car wreck a few weeks ago with only a few scratches, and I couldn't help but wonder why God spared my life. I could have been killed just as easily.

How do you know when to stop covering up for someone who's doing wrong, and instead make them face up to the consequences?

How do you know when to stop covering up for someone who's doing wrong, and instead make them face up to the consequences? Whenever my brother drinks too much (which is becoming more frequent), he has me call his boss and say he's sick, but I'm getting tired of lying for him.