
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Whenever I'm praying for someone, I don't tell them I'm praying for them. Am I wrong to keep quiet?

Whenever I hear about a friend who's facing a health problem I always pray for them. But I've always been reluctant to tell people I'm praying for them, because I don't want them to think I'm better than they are, or that I'm bragging about how spiritual I am. Am I wrong to keep quiet?

I'm sure we ought to help people in poor countries, but is sending missionaries really the best way to help them?

I'm sure we ought to help people in poor countries who need health care and things like that, but is sending missionaries really the best way to help them? It seems to me that groups like the Red Cross or the United Nations can make a bigger impact because they have more resources.

If Jesus were living on earth today instead of 2,000 years ago, what do you think He'd do differently?

If Jesus were living on earth today instead of 2,000 years ago, what do you think He'd do differently? The world has changed a lot in the last 2,000 years, and I wonder how He would adapt His message to our times.

My husband left me for another woman, and I still feel crushed. How can I let go of the past?

How can I let go of the past? After 13 years of marriage, my husband left me to live with (and finally marry) another woman, and although I know it's all over, I still feel crushed. I know I've got to get on with my life, but I don't know how to pull myself out of the dumps.

Does the Bible say anything about making New Year's resolutions?

Does the Bible say anything about making New Year's resolutions? I quit making them years ago because I never could keep them, but now that I'm more serious about my faith I wondered if I ought to give it a try again.

Will the world ever get any better?

Every year about now, our newspaper looks back over the past year, and it's always depressing to read about all the disasters and wars and everything that happened, just in that one year. Will the world ever get any better?

Our daughter has just informed us that she's getting married, in spite of our strong opposition. She's legally on her own, but is there anything we can do?

Our daughter has just informed us that she's getting married, in spite of our strong opposition. We feel she is making a serious mistake marrying this person, but she won't listen to us—and the more we object, the worse it gets. She's legally on her own, but is there anything we can do?

Our son abandoned our two grandchildren and their mother, and now we don't know where he is either. Where did we go wrong?

We never see our two grandchildren, because our son never married their mother and finally abandoned them, so naturally she doesn't want anything to do with us. We didn't raise our son this way, but now we don't even know where he is. Where did we go wrong? We feel so guilty.

Do you think the Internet is evil?

Do you think the Internet is evil? It seems like it has opened the door to so many bad things (like identity theft and pornography) that I'm beginning to wonder if we wouldn't be better off without it.

What does it take to get into heaven?

What does it take to get into heaven? I admit I've never thought about it very much, but recently I had a bad health scare and it really got me to thinking.

Doesn't the Bible teach that God is the father of the whole human race? And doesn't that mean everyone will go to heaven when they die?

Doesn't the Bible teach that God is the father of the whole human race? And if that's the case, doesn't that mean that everyone will go to heaven when they die, no matter who they are, since we are all God's children?

What does God look like?

What does God look like? Our 5-year-old son keeps asking this and I don't know what to tell him. I have an idea in my mind of what God must be like—kind of elderly and with a long beard—but I know that's probably something I just made up.