
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

A friend says the Bible is very negative toward women, and this is why society has oppressed women throughout history. Is this true?

A friend of mine says the Bible is very negative toward women, and this is why society has oppressed women throughout history. Is this true?

Is there anything I can do to make up for all my lost years? I wish I hadn't lived the way I did. It wasn't worth it.

I'm in my 70s and almost completely crippled with arthritis. I know this is God's punishment for all the years I ignored Him. Is there anything I can do to make up for all those lost years? I wish I hadn't lived the way I did. It wasn't worth it.

Why did the crowds turn against Jesus so quickly? One week they welcomed Him, and the next week they demanded He be crucified.

During Lent, I've been reading in the Bible about the last weeks of Jesus' life, and I've been puzzled by something. Why did the crowds turn against Jesus so quickly? One week they welcomed Him, and the next week they demanded He be crucified.

It seems to me that all the signs of the end times are falling into place and Jesus could return at any moment. Do you have an opinion about this?

I've been reading a lot of books lately on the end times and the second coming of Jesus, and it seems to me that all the signs are falling into place and He could return at any moment. Do you have an opinion about this?

I suppose I ought to take it on faith that angels exist since the Bible talks about them, but I have a hard time doing that. Or does it really matter?

How do we know angels really exist, when we can't see or touch them? I suppose I ought to take it on faith that they exist since the Bible talks about them, but I have a hard time doing that. Or does it really matter?

My husband left me six months ago and now has filed for divorce. I don't think I'll ever get over this.

My husband left me six months ago and now has filed for divorce, and it has really sent me into an emotional tailspin. He says he still loves me but that he just can't live with me. I don't think I'll ever get over this.

My husband is unemployed and getting more and more depressed. What can I do to get him off the couch?

My husband lost his job a few months ago and it has been very hard on us. At first, he tried looking for another job, but now he just sits around watching television and getting more and more depressed. What can I do to get him off the couch? I'm tired of constantly nagging him.

My husband says that tithing (i.e., giving one-tenth of their income to the church) is just something rich people do. Is he right?

Every year about this time, our church makes a big push to get people to tithe (i.e., give one-tenth of their income to the church), but my husband says that's just something for rich people to do. Is he right?

I've always enjoyed that old hymn about Ezekiel, and how "them dry bones" came together and made a whole skeleton. What is it supposed to mean?

All my life I've heard that old hymn or spiritual about Ezekiel, and how "them dry bones" came together and made a whole skeleton. What is it supposed to mean? I enjoy singing it, but it's never made much sense to me.

I'm wondering if getting married would be a mistake. I've seen so many marriages go bad, and I don't want it to happen to me.

I've looked forward to marriage all my life, but now that my boyfriend and I are talking about getting married I'm wondering if I'd be making a mistake. I've seen so many marriages go bad, and I don't want it to happen to me.

I only have six months to live. Why shouldn't I live it up? God will forgive me, won't He?

The doctor says I only have six months to live. I've always been a moral person and all that, but why shouldn't I live it up now that my time is running out? God will forgive me anyway, won't He?

How can I be sure I won't become suicidal again? Will God help me?

I've just gotten out of the hospital after trying to take my own life. Things are better with me now and I don't plan to go down that road again, but how can I be sure I won't? Will God help me?