
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Do you think they'll ever find Jesus' grave with His bones in it? I'm studying to be a doctor, and I know that once someone is dead nothing is going to bring them back to life.

Do you think they'll ever find Jesus' grave with His bones in it? I respect my Christian friends who say this can't happen because Jesus came back from the dead, but I'm studying to be a doctor, and I know that once someone is dead nothing is going to bring them back to life.

I've lived a very sinful life, but a friend of mine says God will forgive me if I'll just believe in Jesus. What difference would that make? And how would I know if I was really forgiven?

I know I've lived a very sinful life, but a friend of mine says God will forgive me if I'll just believe in Jesus. What difference would that make? And how would I know if I was really forgiven? I don't want to have to wait until I die to find out if it's true.

A friend of mine believes in all sorts of ideas I'd never heard of before (like contacting people for guidance who have been dead for hundreds of years). Do you think he's sincere, or is he just trying to be different?

A friend and I got to talking about religion the other day, and I found out that he believes in all sorts of ideas I'd never heard of before (like contacting people for guidance who have been dead for hundreds of years). Do you think he's sincere, or is he just trying to be different?

I've fallen in love with a woman I work with, but my wife got very upset when she found out and I told her I wanted a divorce. How can I make her understand that it's God's will for us to get divorced and move on with our separate lives?

I've fallen in love with a woman I work with, and I sincerely believe God brought us together. But my wife got very upset when she found out and I told her I wanted a divorce. How can I make her understand that it's God's will for us to get divorced and move on with our separate lives?

I volunteer several times a week in a homeless shelter our church supports, but I get very discouraged because it doesn't seem like we're making any progress. I'm about to give up. Why should we bother?

I volunteer several times a week in a homeless shelter our church supports, but I get very discouraged because it doesn't seem like we're making any progress. We just keep seeing the same people over and over. I'm about to give up. Why should we bother?

As far as I'm concerned, we might as well live it up and make the most of it while we can. How would you respond?

Can you give me even one reason to believe in life after death? I think all the evidence is on the side of those who believe this life is all there is. As far as I'm concerned, we might as well live it up and make the most of it while we can. How would you respond?

The doctor says I have breast cancer, and I'm scared. How can I get the kind of faith my grandmother had?

My grandmother was a very religious person, and she always listened to you whenever you came on television. I guess I've always thought that this was fine for her but it wasn't for me, but now the doctor says I have breast cancer, and I'm scared. How can I get the kind of faith she had?

My extended family is like a soap opera—affairs, divorces, rehab, kids in court, etc. How can I help them?

My extended family is fairly large, and it's like a soap opera. You name it, it happens—affairs, divorces, rehab, kids in court, etc. How can I help them? I'm the only Christian in the family as far as I know, but to be honest, sometimes I wish I could just wash my hands of them.

I'm afraid God has abandoned me. Is it too late to get things right?

Does God give up on us sometimes? I'm afraid He has abandoned me, and I guess I can't blame Him because I know I've let Him down and been a big disappointment to Him. Is it too late to get things right?

My neighbor was diagnosed with cancer, and all it's done is make her angry at God.

My neighbor has never wanted anything to do with God, but when she was diagnosed with cancer several months ago I thought she might wake up and begin thinking about Him. But all it's done is make her angry at God and blame Him for giving her cancer. Why do some people react this way?

Jesus told the thief on the cross he would be with Him in paradise. Is paradise the same thing as heaven?

What did Jesus mean when He told the thief on the cross who believed in Him that he would be with Him in paradise? Is paradise the same thing as heaven, or is it something else?

Since my divorce over 15 years ago, I haven't seen my children. Now they've made it clear they don't want anything to do with me. Is this a hopeless situation?

I hadn't seen my four children in over 15 years, until last weekend. (The reason was a nasty custody battle after a bitter divorce.) I'd always prayed we'd reconnect somehow because I still loved them and missed them, but last weekend they made it clear they don't want anything more to do with me. Is this a hopeless situation?