
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I've been trying to talk to a young man who works in a store near us about giving his life to Jesus, but he says he's too messed up for God to help him. How can I convince him that he's wrong?

I've been trying to talk to a young man who works in a store near us about giving his life to Jesus, but he says he's too messed up for God to help him. How can I convince him that he's wrong?

I took a religion class in college last year, and one of our assignments was to read the book of Job in the Old Testament. Can you help me understand it? I read it through three times, and I never did figure out what Job's answer was to the question of suffering.

I took a religion class in college last year, and one of our assignments was to read the book of Job in the Old Testament. Can you help me understand it? I read it through three times, and I never did figure out what Job's answer was to the question of suffering.

Where did the devil come from, according to the Bible? I remember hearing somewhere that at first he was an angel and served God, but then he rebelled and became evil. Is this true? Why would he do that?

Where did the devil come from, according to the Bible? I remember hearing somewhere that at first he was an angel and served God, but then he rebelled and became evil. Is this true? Why would he do that?

I've asked God repeatedly to make me into a better person but it doesn't do any good. I'm constantly getting into trouble in spite of my prayers, and I just can't seem to change. Has God given up on me?

I've asked God repeatedly to make me into a better person but it doesn't do any good. I'm constantly getting into trouble in spite of my prayers, and I just can't seem to change. Has God given up on me?

This Easter, I felt kind of a tug in my heart to give God a bigger place in my life. How do you suggest I go about doing this?

This Easter, I felt kind of a tug in my heart to give God a bigger place in my life. How do you suggest I go about doing this?

Years ago. I was diagnosed with a mild learning disability, and I've always had special struggles with reading. Does God understand this? I know you tell people they ought to read their Bible every day but I just can't do it.

Years ago. I was diagnosed with a mild learning disability, and I've always had special struggles with reading. Does God understand this? I know you tell people they ought to read their Bible every day but I just can't do it.

Three months after my divorce, I rushed into another marriage because I was so lonely, but it was a big mistake. Please warn people to be very careful before they remarry. I wish I had.

Three months after my divorce, I rushed into another marriage because I was so lonely, but it was a big mistake. I won't go into the details, but the marriage is over now and hopefully, I've learned something. Please warn people to be very careful before they remarry. I wish I had.

Is it a sin to be depressed? The doctor says I have a chemical imbalance that can be treated with medication, but my friend says I just need to pray and have more faith.

Is it a sin to be depressed? The doctor says I have a chemical imbalance in my brain that he can treat with medication, but a friend of mine says I shouldn't do this because I just need to pray and have more faith. Who is right? I can't stand this much longer.

My husband just about fried his brain with drugs. He can't concentrate or even keep a job. He gets very discouraged, but what can I do to help him?

After we were married, my husband just about fried his brain with drugs. A year ago, he turned to Jesus and hasn't touched them since, but he damaged his brain so badly that he can't concentrate on anything or even keep a job. He gets very discouraged, but what can I do to help him?

I feel so guilty because my son is in prison. What should I have done differently?

I was a single mother when my three children were young, and now I feel so guilty because my son is in prison. I know it must be my fault. I really tried to be a good mother, but I guess I failed. What should I have done differently? Maybe your answer will help other single parents.

Jesus told the thief on the cross he would be with Him in paradise. Is paradise the same thing as heaven?

What did Jesus mean when He told the thief on the cross who believed in Him that he would be with Him in paradise? Is paradise the same thing as heaven, or is it something else?

Since my divorce over 15 years ago, I haven't seen my children. Now they've made it clear they don't want anything to do with me. Is this a hopeless situation?

I hadn't seen my four children in over 15 years, until last weekend. (The reason was a nasty custody battle after a bitter divorce.) I'd always prayed we'd reconnect somehow because I still loved them and missed them, but last weekend they made it clear they don't want anything more to do with me. Is this a hopeless situation?