
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Having my husband in prison is the hardest thing I've ever had to face, and yet no one seems to care.

I know you answer letters fairly often from people who are in prison, but I wish you'd say something to encourage those of us who are the members of their families. Having my husband in prison is the hardest thing I've ever had to face, and yet no one seems to care.

Our son wants us to have a health care document about our treatment if we become incapacitated. Do you see any moral or religious objection to doing this?

Our son wants my wife and me to see our lawyer about having some kind of health care document about our treatment if we become incapacitated, now that we're getting older. Do you see any moral or religious objection to doing this?

One of my New Year's resolutions was to read through the entire Bible this year, and I've already broken it. Did I go about it the wrong way?

One of my New Year's resolutions was to read through the entire Bible this year, and I've already broken it. I read through part of Genesis, but then I got bogged down and just quit. Did I go about it the wrong way, or what?

I have an uncle who keeps forwarding off-color jokes and stories to me through my e-mail. I don't want to offend him, but how should I deal with this?

I have an uncle who keeps forwarding off-color jokes and stories to me through my e-mail, and I don't even like to read them. I think one reason he does it is because he knows I'm a Christian, and he just likes to embarrass me. I don't want to offend him, but how should I deal with this?

I lost my husband several months ago, and I miss him very, very much. A friend of mine says she knows a psychic who can put people in touch with a loved one who's passed over to the other side. Can you give me any reason why I shouldn't seek her out?

I lost my husband several months ago, and I miss him very, very much. A friend of mine says she knows a psychic who can put people in touch with a loved one who's passed over to the other side. Can you give me any reason why I shouldn't seek her out?

Our church has a new pastor, and recently he gave us a whole list of changes he'd like to see us make – some very radical. How can we tell him that he needs to slow down or he's going to lose a lot of support?

Our church has a new pastor, and recently he gave us a whole list of changes he'd like to see us make - some very radical. How can we tell him that he needs to slow down or he's going to lose a lot of support? I appreciate his enthusiasm, but not everything he wants to do will work right now.

Recently, our church had a retreat, and the speaker said (among other things) that the greatest need in America's churches today is spiritual revival. Would you agree with him?

Recently, our church had a retreat, and the speaker said (among other things) that the greatest need in America's churches today is spiritual revival. Would you agree with him?

My office has become a very unpleasant place because almost everyone in it has a very strong opinion about the political candidates, and they argue about politics all the time. Why can't people just keep their political opinions to themselves?

My office has become a very unpleasant place because almost everyone in it has a very strong opinion about the political candidates, and they argue about politics all the time. It's created a lot of tension between people who used to be friends, and as a Christian, I hate this. Why can't people just keep their political opinions to themselves?

Why did God allow Adam and Eve to sin? He must have known what they were going to do. The world was already perfect, so why didn't God keep it that way?

Why did God allow Adam and Eve to sin? He must have known what they were going to do, and it seems to me that it would've been better if He had just stopped them. The world was already perfect, so why didn't God keep it that way? I've always wondered about this.

I have a hard time getting excited about going to heaven because I can't imagine not being bored there. Eternity is a long, long time, and it seems to me that sooner or later we'll run out of interesting things to do, won't we?

I have a hard time getting excited about going to heaven because I can't imagine not being bored there. Eternity is a long, long time, and it seems to me that sooner or later we'll run out of interesting things to do, won't we?

Who or what is the Holy Spirit? I'm a new Christian, and I hope you won't think I'm stupid for asking this. There are a lot of things I don't understand, but I really do want to learn what the Bible says.

Who or what is the Holy Spirit? I'm a new Christian, and I hope you won't think I'm stupid for asking this. There are a lot of things I don't understand, but I really do want to learn what the Bible says.

I don't understand my aunt and uncle. They're very devout people and go to church every time the doors are open, yet they're very judgmental about members of our family who don't live the way they do. No one likes them, and yet they're constantly telling us we are lost and need Jesus. I thought Christians were supposed to be kind and loving.

I don't understand my aunt and uncle. They're very devout people and go to church every time the doors are open, yet they're very judgmental about members of our family who don't live the way they do. No one likes them, and yet they're constantly telling us we are lost and need Jesus. I thought Christians were supposed to be kind and loving.