
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I made my decision for Jesus when I was about 14, but once I got away from home and joined the Army I left it all behind. Now, here I am 20 years later and my life is a wreck. Will God take me back, or have I gone too far?

I made my decision for Jesus when I was about 14, but once I got away from home and joined the Army I left it all behind. Now, here I am 20 years later and my life is a wreck. Will God take me back, or have I gone too far?

What happens to us when we die?

What happens to us when we die? My uncle (who doesn't believe in God) says that's the end for us, and we might as well get used to it. But I know this isn't what people like you believe.

How do we know that the books we have in the Bible are the only ones that are supposed to be there?

How do we know that the books we have in the Bible are the only ones that are supposed to be there? A man I work with belongs to a religious group that claims the Bible wasn't complete until their founder discovered some additional books that God revealed to him.

How can I know if God has really forgiven me? I did something several years ago that was very wrong, and I've confessed it repeatedly to God and begged for His forgiveness, but I still feel guilty. Maybe I have committed the unforgivable sin. I worry about this all the time.

How can I know if God has really forgiven me? I did something several years ago that was very wrong, and I've confessed it repeatedly to God and begged for His forgiveness, but I still feel guilty. Maybe I have committed the unforgivable sin. I worry about this all the time.

I know you'll say it's wrong to be filled with hate and bitterness, but I had a very rough time growing up, and I just can't help it. God must have hated me very much to put me through all that, and I'm sure He still hates me because of my attitude. What would you say to someone like me?

I know you'll say it's wrong to be filled with hate and bitterness, but I had a very rough time growing up, and I just can't help it. God must have hated me very much to put me through all that, and I'm sure He still hates me because of my attitude. What would you say to someone like me?

I feel so isolated. I'm the only one in my family who's a Christian, and every weekend they all go out drinking while I stay at home watching television by myself. They just laugh at me when I try to talk to them about Jesus. I can't wait to move out, but I'm still in school so I don't have much choice right now. How should I deal with this?

I feel so isolated. I'm the only one in my family who's a Christian, and every weekend they all go out drinking while I stay at home watching television by myself. They just laugh at me when I try to talk to them about Jesus. I can't wait to move out, but I'm still in school so I don't have much choice right now. How should I deal with this?

We're expecting our first baby in a few months, and to be honest I'm scared to death about being a mother. My own mother wasn't a very good role model (drugs, running around, finally abandoning us), and I never learned how to be a good mother. Does the Bible say anything about this?

We're expecting our first baby in a few months, and to be honest I'm scared to death about being a mother. My own mother wasn't a very good role model (drugs, running around, finally abandoning us), and I never learned how to be a good mother. Does the Bible say anything about this?

I just don't see how I can ever forgive my ex-husband after all the hurt he caused me. I know Jesus said we ought to forgive others, but why should I bother?

I just don't see how I can ever forgive my ex-husband after all the hurt he caused me. I know Jesus said we ought to forgive others, but why should I bother?

My oldest sister has been through three bad marriages so far, and maybe that's the reason I've never gotten married. I'd love to be married (I'm almost 24), but I'm so afraid I'll end up like her that I just can't seem to make a commitment to anyone. Is something wrong with me?

My oldest sister has been through three bad marriages so far, and maybe that's the reason I've never gotten married. I'd love to be married (I'm almost 24), but I'm so afraid I'll end up like her that I just can't seem to make a commitment to anyone. Is something wrong with me?

Our whole family is kind of in shock, because one of our brothers never got along with his wife, yet after he died last year she spent an enormous amount of money on his funeral and on an elaborate gravestone. Why would she do this? They weren't wealthy or anything.

Our whole family is kind of in shock, because one of our brothers never got along with his wife, yet after he died last year she spent an enormous amount of money on his funeral and on an elaborate gravestone. Why would she do this? They weren't wealthy or anything.

Is the God you read about in the Old Testament different from the God of the New Testament? A friend of mine says that the Old Testament God is angry and cruel, while in the New Testament He is loving and kind. Is this true?

Is the God you read about in the Old Testament different from the God of the New Testament? A friend of mine says that the Old Testament God is angry and cruel, while in the New Testament He is loving and kind. Is this true?

I thought I had gotten off of drugs, and I did for a while (after I got married). But then the marriage went bad and now I'm back in the same rut. I know it's destroying me but I can't do anything about it. I've been through rehab twice but it didn't stick. Please pray for me.

I thought I had gotten off of drugs, and I did for a while (after I got married). But then the marriage went bad and now I'm back in the same rut. I know it's destroying me but I can't do anything about it. I've been through rehab twice but it didn't stick. Please pray for me.