
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I don't understand myself. I grew up in church and I was taught how I ought to live, but now I've let myself get talked into some things I know are wrong, and my life is about to fall apart. How did this happen?

I don't understand myself. I grew up in church and I was taught how I ought to live, but now I've let myself get talked into some things I know are wrong, and my life is about to fall apart. How did this happen?

We lost almost everything we owned in a flood a few months ago, and it has really been hard on us. I know I ought to have more faith that God is going to sort it all out, but the truth is we're depressed and almost overwhelmed. Why did God let this happen to us?

We lost almost everything we owned in a flood a few months ago, and it has really been hard on us. I know I ought to have more faith that God is going to sort it all out, but the truth is we're depressed and almost overwhelmed. Why did God let this happen to us?

I've been a Christian for many years, but I finally got around to reading the book of Revelation the other day. To be honest, however, I found it rather confusing. Does it have any meaning for us today?

I've been a Christian for many years, but I finally got around to reading the book of Revelation the other day. To be honest, however, I found it rather confusing. Does it have any meaning for us today?

I'd like to be a good father, but my ex-wife has our three children most of the time and it seems like all I do is entertain them when they do visit. Do you have any suggestions?

I'd like to be a good father, but my ex-wife has our three children most of the time and it seems like all I do is entertain them when they do visit. Do you have any suggestions?

I've been reading a popular book lately that claims to tell people how to get in touch with the spiritual side of their lives. At first, I thought it was really good but now I'm not so sure. How can I know if the author is telling the truth and not leading me down the wrong road?

I've been reading a popular book lately that claims to tell people how to get in touch with the spiritual side of their lives. At first, I thought it was really good but now I'm not so sure. How can I know if the author is telling the truth and not leading me down the wrong road?

In a few weeks, I'll be going to a foreign country as part of a high school summer missions project from our church. What advice would you give me so I can get the most out of this? I really believe God opened the door for me to go on this trip, but I'm not sure exactly why.

In a few weeks, I'll be going to a foreign country as part of a high school summer missions project from our church. What advice would you give me so I can get the most out of this? I really believe God opened the door for me to go on this trip, but I'm not sure exactly why.

My husband grew up in a religious home, but somewhere along the way he decided it wasn't for him. He isn't a bad person, but it breaks my heart to think we won't be in heaven together. What can I do, besides pray for him (which I do every day)?

My husband grew up in a religious home, but somewhere along the way he decided it wasn't for him. He isn't a bad person, but it breaks my heart to think we won't be in heaven together. What can I do, besides pray for him (which I do every day)?

Recently, I was diagnosed with a rare blood disease that put me in the hospital and still keeps me weak. At first, my friends expressed concern (including many in our church), but now no one ever calls or asks if they can help. Why is this? Should I just have kept my problems to myself?

Recently, I was diagnosed with a rare blood disease that put me in the hospital and still keeps me weak. At first, my friends expressed concern (including many in our church), but now no one ever calls or asks if they can help. Why is this? Should I just have kept my problems to myself?

I hate to admit it, but my parents were very prejudiced against people of other races when I was growing up, and it's taken a long time for me to begin to break free of their views. Does God favor one race over another, which is what my parent always claimed?

I hate to admit it, but my parents were very prejudiced against people of other races when I was growing up, and it's taken a long time for me to begin to break free of their views. Does God favor one race over another, which is what my parent always claimed?

I know Jesus said no one knows exactly when He will return to earth again, but recently a friend gave me a pamphlet in which the author claims to reveal when the second coming will take place (about 30 years from now). Could he be right?

I know Jesus said no one knows exactly when He will return to earth again, but recently a friend gave me a pamphlet in which the author claims to reveal when the second coming will take place (about 30 years from now). Could he be right?

What do you think is the worst thing that can happen to a person? I've had a lot of sickness and financial problems in my life, and I thought things couldn't get any worse. But recently I lost my wife, and that's even worse. Will still worse things come my way?

What do you think is the worst thing that can happen to a person? I've had a lot of sickness and financial problems in my life, and I thought things couldn't get any worse. But recently I lost my wife, and that's even worse. Will still worse things come my way?

Do you believe in death bed conversions? My uncle never wanted anything to do with God, but literally the day before he died, a Christian friend visited him in the hospital and told us later that he had asked Christ to come into his life and save him. Was he faking it?

Do you believe in death bed conversions? My uncle never wanted anything to do with God, but literally the day before he died, a Christian friend visited him in the hospital and told us later that he had asked Christ to come into his life and save him. Was he faking it?