
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

How will we know the Antichrist when he comes? A friend of mine keeps forwarding e-mails to me from a group that claims a certain foreign political leader is the Antichrist, but how do they know?

How will we know the Antichrist when he comes? A friend of mine keeps forwarding e-mails to me from a group that claims a certain foreign political leader is the Antichrist, but how do they know?

How can I control my thoughts and get rid of all the junk that passes through my mind? I know God must be appalled at some of the things I think about, but I can't seem to get rid of them.

How can I control my thoughts and get rid of all the junk that passes through my mind? I know God must be appalled at some of the things I think about, but I can't seem to get rid of them.

What do you think Jesus looked like? I know we don't really know for sure, but some of the paintings I've seen make Him look meek and kind of like a sissy, and I don't think that's accurate, do you?

What do you think Jesus looked like? I know we don't really know for sure, but some of the paintings I've seen make Him look meek and kind of like a sissy, and I don't think that's accurate, do you?

Does it do any good to encourage children to believe in Jesus and give their lives to Him? My brother (who's 38 now) supposedly gave his life to Jesus when he was 10 but he hasn't had anything to do with God since college.

Does it do any good to encourage children to believe in Jesus and give their lives to Him? My brother (who's 38 now) supposedly gave his life to Jesus when he was 10 but he hasn't had anything to do with God since college.

I've always said I'm an atheist, and I am. But down inside, I'm beginning to wonder if I'm on the wrong road (although I'd never admit it to anyone). What would you say to someone like me? Don't just tell me to have faith, because I don't have any.

I've always said I'm an atheist, and I am. But down inside, I'm beginning to wonder if I'm on the wrong road (although I'd never admit it to anyone). What would you say to someone like me? Don't just tell me to have faith, because I don't have any.

My uncle is very strict in his behavior — no bad habits, no dishonesty, no missing church, etc. But he's one of the stingiest people I've ever met (although he's very successful). Even the people who work for him don't get paid fairly. Is this the Christian way to act?

My uncle is very strict in his behavior -- no bad habits, no dishonesty, no missing church, etc. But he's one of the stingiest people I've ever met (although he's very successful). Even the people who work for him don't get paid fairly. Is this the Christian way to act?

My aunt gave me a Bible that has the words of Jesus printed in red. Are those words printed in red the ones I'm supposed to believe? I am trying to read them when I have time. Or should I believe other parts of the Bible also?

My aunt gave me a Bible that has the words of Jesus printed in red. Are those words printed in red the ones I'm supposed to believe? I am trying to read them when I have time. Or should I believe other parts of the Bible also?

I've always been a very active person, but several months ago I had a stroke and now I'm confined to my home. I feel so useless. I want to do things like I used to, but I can't, and it's frustrating. I can't even go to church.

I've always been a very active person, but several months ago I had a stroke and now I'm confined to my home. I feel so useless. I want to do things like I used to, but I can't, and it's frustrating. I can't even go to church.

Why was Jesus born of a virgin? I know Mary was a very good person and all that, but couldn't she and Joseph have given birth to Jesus in the normal way? Or is the Bible's story about Mary just a legend?

Why was Jesus born of a virgin? I know Mary was a very good person and all that, but couldn't she and Joseph have given birth to Jesus in the normal way? Or is the Bible's story about Mary just a legend?

The doctor says I have at most six months to live (because of lung cancer) and I know they aren't going to be happy ones. Why would it be wrong for me to take my own life? I'll just be a nuisance to my family if I hang around.

The doctor says I have at most six months to live (because of lung cancer) and I know they aren't going to be happy ones. Why would it be wrong for me to take my own life? I'll just be a nuisance to my family if I hang around.

My doctor says I need to get on some medicine for my depression but I'm afraid to do it. I have a friend who says I just need to pray and get close to God. How do I do that? I admit I need some kind of help. I don't understand what's been happening to me.

My doctor says I need to get on some medicine for my depression but I'm afraid to do it. I have a friend who says I just need to pray and get close to God. How do I do that? I admit I need some kind of help. I don't understand what's been happening to me.

My sister is a very zealous member of a religious cult, and recently she got my mother (who's in the early stages of Alzheimer's) to change her will and sign all her property over to her, and says it'll all go to her cult. Is there any way to get this reversed? Mother would be horrified, because she has always been a devout Christian.

My sister is a very zealous member of a religious cult, and recently she got my mother (who's in the early stages of Alzheimer's) to change her will and sign all her property over to her, and says it'll all go to her cult. Is there any way to get this reversed? Mother would be horrified, because she has always been a devout Christian.