
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I know the Bible says we won't know when Jesus will return to earth, but why did God keep it a secret? I've always been curious about Jesus' second coming, and I wish we knew more.

I know the Bible says we won't know when Jesus will return to earth, but why did God keep it a secret? I've always been curious about Jesus' second coming, and I wish we knew more.

What do you think of contemporary Christian music? Our church is beginning to use it more and more, but to be honest I'm having a hard time getting used to it. My teenaged children like it, however.

What do you think of contemporary Christian music? Our church is beginning to use it more and more, but to be honest I'm having a hard time getting used to it. My teenaged children like it, however.

I remember you saying once in your column that the Bible says all Christians are saints in God's eyes. But how can that be, since we obviously aren't perfect? I know God has forgiven me, but I think it would be presumptuous of me to call myself a saint.

I remember you saying once in your column that the Bible says all Christians are saints in God's eyes. But how can that be, since we obviously aren't perfect? I know God has forgiven me, but I think it would be presumptuous of me to call myself a saint.

I have suffered from severe anxiety most of my life; I'm even on medication for it. Does this mean I can't go to heaven, since Jesus said it was a sin to worry? I really do believe in Jesus, but I'm very concerned about this.

I have suffered from severe anxiety most of my life; I'm even on medication for it. Does this mean I can't go to heaven, since Jesus said it was a sin to worry? I really do believe in Jesus, but I'm very concerned about this.

What is the difference between love and lust? I think I'm in love with a girl who goes to the same college I do, but sometimes I wonder if it's just physical attraction. How can I know? I don't want to make a mistake.

What is the difference between love and lust? I think I'm in love with a girl who goes to the same college I do, but sometimes I wonder if it's just physical attraction. How can I know? I don't want to make a mistake.

I finally had to face the fact that my husband was an alcoholic and things weren't going to get better because he had no desire to change. He finally moved out because he said he was tired of my nagging, but now I feel guilty because I'm not around to take care of him. Should I ask him back?

I finally had to face the fact that my husband was an alcoholic and things weren't going to get better because he had no desire to change. He finally moved out because he said he was tired of my nagging, but now I feel guilty because I'm not around to take care of him. Should I ask him back?

I work in an office of mostly younger people who have absolutely no interest in God. They don't have any objection if someone like me wants to be a Christian but they're just too wrapped up in their own interests to think about God. How do you share the Gospel with someone like this?

I work in an office of mostly younger people who have absolutely no interest in God. They don't have any objection if someone like me wants to be a Christian but they're just too wrapped up in their own interests to think about God. How do you share the Gospel with someone like this?

My neighbor says he believes in God's judgment, but that it occurs while we are on earth, not after we die. In other words, if we do something wrong God makes us pay for it now, not later. He also believes that everyone will go to heaven, since they already will have paid for their sins while they were alive. This isn't what the Bible says, is it?

My neighbor says he believes in God's judgment, but that it occurs while we are on earth, not after we die. In other words, if we do something wrong God makes us pay for it now, not later. He also believes that everyone will go to heaven, since they already will have paid for their sins while they were alive. This isn't what the Bible says, is it?

I have a friend who is always reading those prophecies about the future that you see in supermarket tabloids and magazines. She really takes them seriously and tries to follow them, and says God is speaking to her and guiding her through them. Is she right?

I have a friend who is always reading those prophecies about the future that you see in supermarket tabloids and magazines. She really takes them seriously and tries to follow them, and says God is speaking to her and guiding her through them. Is she right?

A friend of mine carries a small pocket copy of the New Testament with him all the time. When I asked him about it, he said he carries it because he thinks it will keep bad luck away. Would you suggest everyone do this?

A friend of mine carries a small pocket copy of the New Testament with him all the time. When I asked him about it, he said he carries it because he thinks it will keep bad luck away. Would you suggest everyone do this?

I've tried very hard to think of every sin I have ever committed so I can ask God to forgive them, but I'm sure I've forgotten some of them. Does this mean I won't go to heaven? I really worry about this.

I've tried very hard to think of every sin I have ever committed so I can ask God to forgive them, but I'm sure I've forgotten some of them. Does this mean I won't go to heaven? I really worry about this.

I'm studying in your country, and I come from a country that doesn't have many Christians. I want to understand your beliefs. What do Christians believe? Can you suggest a book I can read to help me understand what Christians believe?

I'm studying in your country, and I come from a country that doesn't have many Christians. I want to understand your beliefs. What do Christians believe? Can you suggest a book I can read to help me understand what Christians believe?