
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I made a New Year's resolution to read through the Bible this year, but it didn't last very long. I got so bogged down in the Old Testament that I finally gave up. Is the Old Testament out of date or irrelevant?

I made a New Year's resolution to read through the Bible this year, but it didn't last very long. I got so bogged down in the Old Testament that I finally gave up. Is the Old Testament out of date or irrelevant?

I know I'm supposed to make my life count for Christ, and I really want to, but what can I do? I can't teach or anything like that. I'm just a carpenter, and while I try to help out by fixing things around our church, I know that's not very much.

I know I'm supposed to make my life count for Christ, and I really want to, but what can I do? I can't teach or anything like that. I'm just a carpenter, and while I try to help out by fixing things around our church, I know that's not very much.

I don't mean to shock you, but I'm disappointed with God. I have a lot of financial problems, and if He loved me He'd be doing something about them. But nothing changes, so why should I think He cares?

I don't mean to shock you, but I'm disappointed with God. I have a lot of financial problems, and if He loved me He'd be doing something about them. But nothing changes, so why should I think He cares?

I've been told that I'm supposed to be growing in my faith but I don't think it's happening. Maybe I don't understand what it means. Am I missing something?

I've been told that I'm supposed to be growing in my faith but I don't think it's happening. Maybe I don't understand what it means. Am I missing something?

I've always been a fiercely independent person, feeling I could solve all my problems on my own (and I usually have). Well, last year I became a Christian, and now people are telling me I need to change and become meek and mild. Does God expect me to change my whole personality?

I've always been a fiercely independent person, feeling I could solve all my problems on my own (and I usually have). Well, last year I became a Christian, and now people are telling me I need to change and become meek and mild. Does God expect me to change my whole personality?

We have some neighbors in our apartment complex whose way of living really offends us, and it's going to destroy them if they keep on. My wife says that as Christians we ought to show some concern for them, but didn't Jesus say something about not casting pearls before swine?

We have some neighbors in our apartment complex whose way of living really offends us, and it's going to destroy them if they keep on. My wife says that as Christians we ought to show some concern for them, but didn't Jesus say something about not casting pearls before swine?

Our daughter participated in a mission project with our church this summer, helping construct a church in another country. She had a great time, and we don't want to throw cold water on her experience, but couldn't those people have built their own church without a bunch of unskilled teenagers from America trying to do it?

Our daughter participated in a mission project with our church this summer, helping construct a church in another country. She had a great time, and we don't want to throw cold water on her experience, but couldn't those people have built their own church without a bunch of unskilled teenagers from America trying to do it?

I know we're supposed to confess our sins whenever we pray, but sometimes I can't think of anything to confess. I'm not trying to be proud, but I honestly try to do what is right. What am I missing?

I know we're supposed to confess our sins whenever we pray, but sometimes I can't think of anything to confess. I'm not trying to be proud, but I honestly try to do what is right. What am I missing?

I really want to serve Jesus, but I don't know how I can. I'm a single mother with three children, and I just don't have any extra time. My church offers things like volunteer opportunities and mission trips, but I can't even dream of them. Does God understand why I can't serve Him?

I really want to serve Jesus, but I don't know how I can. I'm a single mother with three children, and I just don't have any extra time. My church offers things like volunteer opportunities and mission trips, but I can't even dream of them. Does God understand why I can't serve Him?

I'm just starting my senior year in high school, and suddenly it's really hit me that I've got a lot of major decisions to make in the next few months — things like college. How can I know I'll make the right decisions?

I'm just starting my senior year in high school, and suddenly it's really hit me that I've got a lot of major decisions to make in the next few months -- things like college. How can I know I'll make the right decisions?

Someone I thought was a friend has really hurt me by some things she's said. She's made some very critical and sarcastic remarks to me recently, and it's hard to take. Should I just write her off as a friend?

Someone I thought was a friend has really hurt me by some things she's said. She's made some very critical and sarcastic remarks to me recently, and it's hard to take. Should I just write her off as a friend?

I've been going through some hard times lately. I'm a Christian, but have I done something wrong and God is punishing me for it? I don't know what I did wrong, but I sure wish I could get this behind me.

I've been going through some hard times lately. I'm a Christian, but have I done something wrong and God is punishing me for it? I don't know what I did wrong, but I sure wish I could get this behind me.