
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I have a neighbor who keeps asking me questions about my faith that I can't answer. He comes from a different church background than I do, but he's only a nominal Christian (at best). His questions are sincere, but where can I find some answers to give him?

I have a neighbor who keeps asking me questions about my faith that I can't answer. He comes from a different church background than I do, but he's only a nominal Christian (at best). His questions are sincere, but where can I find some answers to give him?

When I was young, people told me that God put us here for a purpose. I asked God to show me what it was, but I'm in my 80s now and I can't say I've ever done anything special. I tried to do what was right, to be a good husband and father, and to help our church, but did I miss something?

When I was young, people told me that God put us here for a purpose. I asked God to show me what it was, but I'm in my 80s now and I can't say I've ever done anything special. I tried to do what was right, to be a good husband and father, and to help our church, but did I miss something?

What does God look like? I know He's supposed to be a spirit and all that, but doesn't the Bible also say that we will see Him when we get to heaven?

What does God look like? I know He's supposed to be a spirit and all that, but doesn't the Bible also say that we will see Him when we get to heaven?

If God is real, then why are there so many religions in the world? They can't all be right, can they?

If God is real, then why are there so many religions in the world? They can't all be right, can they?

I have a lot of health problems now, and it's very difficult for me to get to church. Even when I go I can't hear. Do you think God will be upset if I just watch a service on television? I'll miss going, but I don't see any alternative.

I have a lot of health problems now, and it's very difficult for me to get to church. Even when I go I can't hear. Do you think God will be upset if I just watch a service on television? I'll miss going, but I don't see any alternative.

Our son got hooked on alcohol after his marriage ended, but when we tell him he needs to stop drinking and get his life back on track, he just gets angry and shuts us off. It breaks our hearts, but what can we do?

Our son got hooked on alcohol after his marriage ended, but when we tell him he needs to stop drinking and get his life back on track, he just gets angry and shuts us off. It breaks our hearts, but what can we do?

How can God give children to people and then let them abuse them? I don't understand how anyone could do this, but whenever I read about child abuse I always ask myself why God did it. Is it wrong for me to question God?

How can God give children to people and then let them abuse them? I don't understand how anyone could do this, but whenever I read about child abuse I always ask myself why God did it. Is it wrong for me to question God?

I'm very scared about the future, especially after all the economic turmoil we've seen in recent months. Are these signs that Jesus is about to return? I understand that things will get worse and worse just before He comes, and it looks like this is what's happening.

I'm very scared about the future, especially after all the economic turmoil we've seen in recent months. Are these signs that Jesus is about to return? I understand that things will get worse and worse just before He comes, and it looks like this is what's happening.

When we get to heaven, will we know what's happening on earth? If so, how can we be happy? There's so much misery in the world that I'd think it would just make us sad.

When we get to heaven, will we know what's happening on earth? If so, how can we be happy? There's so much misery in the world that I'd think it would just make us sad.

Last week, a friend of mine lost her husband to cancer. I went to see her the next day, but I really felt awkward and didn't know what to say. How can I help someone like this? I've never lost anyone close to me, which makes me feel even more inadequate.

Last week, a friend of mine lost her husband to cancer. I went to see her the next day, but I really felt awkward and didn't know what to say. How can I help someone like this? I've never lost anyone close to me, which makes me feel even more inadequate.

What is blasphemy? Is it the same thing as profanity? I admit that once in a while I get upset and use some cuss words I probably shouldn't, but I don't really mean anything by it.

What is blasphemy? Is it the same thing as profanity? I admit that once in a while I get upset and use some cuss words I probably shouldn't, but I don't really mean anything by it.

I've always been concerned about the environment, and my concern has grown in recent years with all the talk about global warming and the need for alternative energy sources and things like that. Why don't churches say more about this?

I've always been concerned about the environment, and my concern has grown in recent years with all the talk about global warming and the need for alternative energy sources and things like that. Why don't churches say more about this?