
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

There is One Way to God

I really want to find God, but I don't know how. I've tried several religions, and each time I thought I'd finally found the truth, but then I realized I hadn't. Why is Jesus any different?

Christ Is our Greatest Need

I don't look down on people who find the Bible or church helpful, but I get just as much inspiration taking a hike through the woods or looking at a star-filled sky. God is all around us, if we'd just stop and look.

Let God Put Your Gifts to Use

I believe the most important thing we can do in life is develop our inner potential. I don't see why Christians tear people down by telling them they're sinful and worthless. You ought to encourage them instead to look within themselves and strive to reach their full potential.

A Relationship with God Brings True Freedom

In our local paper your column is printed on the same page as the comics, which I think is very fitting. How can anyone take religion seriously today? I outgrew religion years ago, and it's great to be free of all that nonsense.

Give the Word of God This Christmas

I'd like to give our grandson a Bible for Christmas, but I'm not sure if he'd like it (he's only 14). His parents might resent it also, since they don't go to church. What would you suggest we do?

Don't Let Business Override Your Devotion

My husband and I want to serve God, but we're still tied down with family responsibilities and jobs. Maybe we can volunteer for some kind of mission work once our children are grown or we retire.

Be a Grateful Person Every Day

Why do we only celebrate Thanksgiving once a year? I think we ought to be thankful all the time, don't you?

Don't Get Caught Up in the Christmas Shopping Frenzy

Every year I tell myself that I'm not going to overspend at Christmas. Then I end up spending more than I did the previous year. I'm on a fixed income and can't really afford this. I know this isn't a spiritual question, but what do you suggest I do?

What Billy Graham Is Most Thankful For

I know you've lived a long life, and as you look back, what are some of the things for which you're thankful? Is there anything you aren't particularly thankful for?

Does God Expect You to Be Thankful in Hard Times?

It's been a bad year for me. My husband died, I've been in and out of the hospital several times, and our children live far away and seldom visit. How can God possibly expect me to be thankful when so much has gone wrong?

I'm already dreading Christmas because there's always so much to do, and I just get overwhelmed.

I'm already dreading Christmas because there's always so much to do, and I just get overwhelmed. I know it's wrong, but in recent years I've even ended up hating Christmas. How can I get out of this trap?

The Bible Says Every Day is a Day for Giving Thanks

Did the Thanksgiving holiday we celebrate every year come from the Bible, like Easter or Christmas did? I've always assumed this was the case, but someone told me recently they didn't think so.