
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Recently, a friend had a kidney transplant that probably saved his life, and it's made me want to be an organ donor. Would anything in the Bible forbid this?

Recently, a friend had a kidney transplant that probably saved his life, and it's made me want to be an organ donor. Would anything in the Bible forbid this?

My mother has had real problems with alcohol and is in an institution now. Does this mean I'm going to have problems also? I'm only 16, but I worry about this a lot because someone once told me that the Bible says every generation repeats the sins of the last generation. Is this true?

My mother has had real problems with alcohol and is in an institution now. Does this mean I'm going to have problems also? I'm only 16, but I worry about this a lot because someone once told me that the Bible says every generation repeats the sins of the last generation. Is this true?

I would like to know more about the Bible, but it's so big I don't know where to start, and I'm not sure where to turn to get some help. Could you suggest one or two books (in addition to the Bible) that might help me to study the Bible?

I would like to know more about the Bible, but it's so big I don't know where to start, and I'm not sure where to turn to get some help. Could you suggest one or two books (in addition to the Bible) that might help me to study the Bible?

I know God is supposed to forgive us, but I did some really bad things when I was younger that constantly haunt me, and I know God will never forgive me. I don't even know why I'm writing you, but maybe you can at least help me stop hating myself so much for what I did.

I know God is supposed to forgive us, but I did some really bad things when I was younger that constantly haunt me, and I know God will never forgive me. I don't even know why I'm writing you, but maybe you can at least help me stop hating myself so much for what I did.

I'm in prison, and everyone here is talking about an inmate who claimed he found God just a week before he died of cancer. How could he live like the devil most of his life but still get into heaven? He didn't deserve to be saved.

I'm in prison, and everyone here is talking about an inmate who claimed he found God just a week before he died of cancer. How could he live like the devil most of his life but still get into heaven? He didn't deserve to be saved.

How can two people who were raised in the same way by the same family be so different when it comes to God? Jesus means everything to me, and my parents were the same way. But my sister has never wanted anything to do with God or the church, and she just laughs when I try to talk with her about it.

How can two people who were raised in the same way by the same family be so different when it comes to God? Jesus means everything to me, and my parents were the same way. But my sister has never wanted anything to do with God or the church, and she just laughs when I try to talk with her about it.

Many years ago, when I was a teenager, someone took me to hear an evangelist. At the time, I really felt I ought to respond to his call to give my life to Jesus, but I resisted and turned my back on God. Will I ever have another chance, or has God passed me by?

Many years ago, when I was a teenager, someone took me to hear an evangelist. At the time, I really felt I ought to respond to his call to give my life to Jesus, but I resisted and turned my back on God. Will I ever have another chance, or has God passed me by?

How do you know if it's the devil who is tempting you to do something, or if God is just testing you to see if you'll do what's right? I try to make the right choices, but I'm not sure I always know what to do.

How do you know if it's the devil who is tempting you to do something, or if God is just testing you to see if you'll do what's right? I try to make the right choices, but I'm not sure I always know what to do.

I'm in a relationship that I know isn't right, but I don't know how to get out of it. I've prayed it would solve itself by him just deciding to leave, but he hasn't, and I don't think he ever will. It's too easy for him to just keep living off of me, I guess. How do I get off this dead-end road?

I'm in a relationship that I know isn't right, but I don't know how to get out of it. I've prayed it would solve itself by him just deciding to leave, but he hasn't, and I don't think he ever will. It's too easy for him to just keep living off of me, I guess. How do I get off this dead-end road?

Many years ago, I was in the Army fighting in a very dangerous place, and I told God that I would never bother Him again if He only got me out of there alive. Well, He did, and I've kept that promise all these years, but did I make a mistake by making it?

Many years ago, I was in the Army fighting in a very dangerous place, and I told God that I would never bother Him again if He only got me out of there alive. Well, He did, and I've kept that promise all these years, but did I make a mistake by making it?

I'll be celebrating my 90th birthday in a few weeks. What advice do you have for an old man like me, since I understand you celebrated your 90th birthday just a few months ago?

I'll be celebrating my 90th birthday in a few weeks. What advice do you have for an old man like me, since I understand you celebrated your 90th birthday just a few months ago?

Our daughter is married to a man who has a very sarcastic tongue, and some of the things he's said have really hurt me. Our daughter says we shouldn't take him seriously because he's only kidding, but I don't see it that way. Why can't people learn to watch their tongues?

Our daughter is married to a man who has a very sarcastic tongue, and some of the things he's said have really hurt me. Our daughter says we shouldn't take him seriously because he's only kidding, but I don't see it that way. Why can't people learn to watch their tongues?