
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

What is an idol?

Our pastor preached about idols the other day, and he said that an idol can be anything—our money, our job, or anything like that. I guess I always thought idols were just carved religious figures. Was he right to label all these things as idols?

What does the phrase "Jesus died for me" mean exactly? I tried to explain it to a friend of mine the other day, and I got all tangled up.

What does the phrase "Jesus died for me" mean exactly? I tried to explain it to a friend of mine the other day, and I got all tangled up.

I grew up in a Christian family, but I've said "No" to God so many times that I'm sure He must have given up on me. But now I'm facing a crisis – cancer surgery – and to be honest, I'm scared. Is it too late for me to turn to God?

I grew up in a Christian family, but I've said "No" to God so many times that I'm sure He must have given up on me. But now I'm facing a crisis - cancer surgery - and to be honest, I'm scared. Is it too late for me to turn to God?

I truly believe in heaven, and that I'll go there when I die. But to be honest, I don't look forward to death, and I even hate to think about it. My life is happy and full right now, and I'd hate to leave my family and friends behind. Am I wrong to feel this way?

I truly believe in heaven, and that I'll go there when I die. But to be honest, I don't look forward to death, and I even hate to think about it. My life is happy and full right now, and I'd hate to leave my family and friends behind. Am I wrong to feel this way?

I know I'm supposed to trust God with my life, but I can't. I grew up in a very abusive situation and learned even as a child not to trust anyone. I wish I could get over this feeling, and I've tried, but I just can't. Does God understand the way I feel?

I know I'm supposed to trust God with my life, but I can't. I grew up in a very abusive situation and learned even as a child not to trust anyone. I wish I could get over this feeling, and I've tried, but I just can't. Does God understand the way I feel?

I never thought this would happen to me, but the last year or so my wife and I seem to be drifting apart, and now for the first time I'm daydreaming about how good it would be to have an affair with another woman. Is God maybe leading me to start over again?

I never thought this would happen to me, but the last year or so my wife and I seem to be drifting apart, and now for the first time I'm daydreaming about how good it would be to have an affair with another woman. Is God maybe leading me to start over again?

Does God keep punishing us for our sins even after we've confessed them and asked Him to forgive us? I truly believe Jesus has forgiven me, but my life is still messed up because of some things I did in the past.

Does God keep punishing us for our sins even after we've confessed them and asked Him to forgive us? I truly believe Jesus has forgiven me, but my life is still messed up because of some things I did in the past.

I've been reading the Old Testament recently (as part of a New Year's resolution). But I've gotten discouraged because I know I'll never be able to keep all those laws. There must be hundreds of them. Do you have any advice?

I've been reading the Old Testament recently (as part of a New Year's resolution). But I've gotten discouraged because I know I'll never be able to keep all those laws. There must be hundreds of them. Do you have any advice?

I have a hard time believing that God knows everything about every person on earth, even down to the smallest detail of our lives. Is this really true? I can barely keep track of my own children, let alone think about billions of people.

I have a hard time believing that God knows everything about every person on earth, even down to the smallest detail of our lives. Is this really true? I can barely keep track of my own children, let alone think about billions of people.

I've heard it said that heaven will be just like the Garden of Eden. Is that true? But if it is, how do we know Satan won't come around and trick us into sinning, just like he did with Adam and Eve?

I've heard it said that heaven will be just like the Garden of Eden. Is that true? But if it is, how do we know Satan won't come around and trick us into sinning, just like he did with Adam and Eve?

Does God look down on poor people? Some of the so-called "Christians" I know sure do, and that kind of snobbery gets me very upset. Some of us were born poor, and it's not our fault that we've stayed poor even if we've worked hard all our lives.

Does God look down on poor people? Some of the so-called "Christians" I know sure do, and that kind of snobbery gets me very upset. Some of us were born poor, and it's not our fault that we've stayed poor even if we've worked hard all our lives.

Why doesn't anyone ever preach on the story I heard when I was in Sunday School, about the widow (I think) who was praised by Jesus although she gave very little to God's work? All I ever hear is preachers urging people to give more money, and frankly I get tired of it.

Why doesn't anyone ever preach on the story I heard when I was in Sunday School, about the widow (I think) who was praised by Jesus although she gave very little to God's work? All I ever hear is preachers urging people to give more money, and frankly I get tired of it.