
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I honestly thought I'd given my life to Jesus, but sometimes my temper boils over like it used to, and I guess I'm not saved after all. How can I get over this and really be free from sin so I know I'll go to heaven when I die?

I honestly thought I'd given my life to Jesus, but sometimes my temper boils over like it used to, and I guess I'm not saved after all. How can I get over this and really be free from sin so I know I'll go to heaven when I die?

I guess you'd say I'm sort of a "Christmas and Easter Christian" because those are about the only times I bother going to church. But this Easter, something about the service kind of got under my skin, and I'm wondering if maybe I need to give God a chance. But how do I begin?

I guess you'd say I'm sort of a "Christmas and Easter Christian" because those are about the only times I bother going to church. But this Easter, something about the service kind of got under my skin, and I'm wondering if maybe I need to give God a chance. But how do I begin?

We're brokenhearted, because the baby we'd looked forward to having for years died after only 10 days of life. I suppose we have lots of questions about why God let this happen, but my main question is this: Is our baby in heaven? Or can we really know?

We're brokenhearted, because the baby we'd looked forward to having for years died after only 10 days of life. I suppose we have lots of questions about why God let this happen, but my main question is this: Is our baby in heaven? Or can we really know?

Mother's Day is always a painful time for me, because my mother gave me up for adoption when I was a baby and I never knew her. I'm thankful for my adoptive family, but I still have this hurt inside me, knowing that I'll never know my real mother. Why did God do this to me?

Mother's Day is always a painful time for me, because my mother gave me up for adoption when I was a baby and I never knew her. I'm thankful for my adoptive family, but I still have this hurt inside me, knowing that I'll never know my real mother. Why did God do this to me?

I have a friend who says she doesn't really believe in prayer, but she does meditate, and as far as she's concerned that's more effective than praying. Is she right about this? What is the difference?

I have a friend who says she doesn't really believe in prayer, but she does meditate, and as far as she's concerned that's more effective than praying. Is she right about this? What is the difference?

I know we're supposed to pray for our leaders and our nation but what good does it really do? As far as I can tell, the world just seems to be getting worse and worse, no matter how much we pray.

I know we're supposed to pray for our leaders and our nation but what good does it really do? As far as I can tell, the world just seems to be getting worse and worse, no matter how much we pray.

I know you'll probably say it isn't right to feel this way, but someone did something to me that really hurt me a few months ago, and all I can think about is getting back at them. Why would that be so wrong, when they're the ones who started it all?

I know you'll probably say it isn't right to feel this way, but someone did something to me that really hurt me a few months ago, and all I can think about is getting back at them. Why would that be so wrong, when they're the ones who started it all?

What is heaven like? I've heard ideas about it all my life that were probably just dreamed up, but does anyone really know what we'll experience when we get there? Does the Bible give us any description?

What is heaven like? I've heard ideas about it all my life that were probably just dreamed up, but does anyone really know what we'll experience when we get there? Does the Bible give us any description?

I believe in God, but where does Jesus fit into the picture? My friend says it isn't enough to believe in God, but says I need to believe in Jesus also. Why?

I believe in God, but where does Jesus fit into the picture? My friend says it isn't enough to believe in God, but says I need to believe in Jesus also. Why?

I know I'm supposed to trust God for the future, but I'm having a hard time doing that right now. I lost my job a few months ago, and I've given up even praying about it because it doesn't seem to make any difference. Maybe you can encourage me somehow.

I know I'm supposed to trust God for the future, but I'm having a hard time doing that right now. I lost my job a few months ago, and I've given up even praying about it because it doesn't seem to make any difference. Maybe you can encourage me somehow.

My cousin didn't realize that her husband was an alcoholic until they got married, and the last few years have really been hard for her. He's finally going to church with her, but so far it hasn't done much good. Should she just give up on this marriage, as some people are urging her to do?

My cousin didn't realize that her husband was an alcoholic until they got married, and the last few years have really been hard for her. He's finally going to church with her, but so far it hasn't done much good. Should she just give up on this marriage, as some people are urging her to do?

I know you've probably been asked this many times, but do we go immediately into God's presence when we die, or do we sleep (so to speak) until the end of time, when all the dead will be raised? I think about this often because my husband died last year, and I wonder if he's in heaven yet.

I know you've probably been asked this many times, but do we go immediately into God's presence when we die, or do we sleep (so to speak) until the end of time, when all the dead will be raised? I think about this often because my husband died last year, and I wonder if he's in heaven yet.