
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I'd like to believe in God, but I just can't. No matter how hard I try, God just doesn't seem real to me. What would you say to someone like me?

I'd like to believe in God, but I just can't. No matter how hard I try, God just doesn't seem real to me. What would you say to someone like me?

If the Gospel is true, then why don't more people believe in Jesus and become His followers? What is their main problem, in your experience?

If the Gospel is true, then why don't more people believe in Jesus and become His followers? What is their main problem, in your experience?

After my uncle's death last year, my aunt became very interested in things like contacting the spirits of people who've passed over (as she calls it). She's firmly convinced that some day she'll be able to contact my uncle. Is this possible?

After my uncle's death last year, my aunt became very interested in things like contacting the spirits of people who've Chr(34)passed overChr(34) (as she calls it). She's firmly convinced that some day she'll be able to contact my uncle. Is this possible?

I know God is supposed to be powerful, but is there anything that God can't do? I've often wondered about this. For example, do you think it might be impossible for God to overcome evil, since it seems so strong?

I know God is supposed to be powerful, but is there anything that God can't do? I've often wondered about this. For example, do you think it might be impossible for God to overcome evil, since it seems so strong?

Do Christians actually worship three different Gods – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? My neighbor follows another religion, and she says this is what Christians believe. I've never thought much about it myself.

Do Christians actually worship three different Gods - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? My neighbor follows another religion, and she says this is what Christians believe. I've never thought much about it myself.

Our 7-year-old son asked us to ask you this question: Do you think there's intelligent life on other planets? Does the Bible say anything about this? Our son is very curious about things like this.

Our 7-year-old son asked us to ask you this question: Do you think there's intelligent life on other planets? Does the Bible say anything about this? Our son is very curious about things like this.

How can I know whether or not a certain religious group is Christian, or if it's a cult? The members are very friendly, and they're certainly very committed to their beliefs, but a friend of mine says the group is a cult.

How can I know whether or not a certain religious group is Christian, or if it's a cult? The members are very friendly, and they're certainly very committed to their beliefs, but a friend of mine says the group is a cult.

Our daughter is very determined to get ahead in the world, and to be honest, she doesn't care who she runs over. So far, she's been very successful, but she says she doesn't need God's help. How can we get her to realize that she's on the wrong road?

Our daughter is very determined to get ahead in the world, and to be honest, she doesn't care who she runs over. So far, she's been very successful, but she says she doesn't need God's help. How can we get her to realize that she's on the wrong road?

I've lived about as bad a life as anyone could, but now I've given my life to Jesus and I'm a changed person. How could I have been so blind all those years? People tried to wake me up, but I just laughed. I wish I'd listened. I wish too I could wake up my old friends.

I've lived about as bad a life as anyone could, but now I've given my life to Jesus and I'm a changed person. How could I have been so blind all those years? People tried to wake me up, but I just laughed. I wish I'd listened. I wish too I could wake up my old friends.

When Jesus lived on the earth why did people get very excited about Him at first, and then turn against Him later on and demand He be put to death? What did He do to upset them so much? This has always puzzled me.

When Jesus lived on the earth why did people get very excited about Him at first, and then turn against Him later on and demand He be put to death? What did He do to upset them so much? This has always puzzled me.

I get upset with people who say you can only find spiritual enlightenment by believing in Jesus. I've chosen to follow a different path, and so far it satisfies me. In my view, there are many paths to spiritual enlightenment, and we each must find the one that meets our needs.

I get upset with people who say you can only find spiritual enlightenment by believing in Jesus. I've chosen to follow a different path, and so far it satisfies me. In my view, there are many paths to spiritual enlightenment, and we each must find the one that meets our needs.

I'm 95 years old and I know I don't have much longer to live. I've gone to church all my life, but is that enough to get me into heaven? I'm honestly not sure if I'm saved or not, and I wish I knew. Or does God keep us guessing until we die?

I'm 95 years old and I know I don't have much longer to live. I've gone to church all my life, but is that enough to get me into heaven? I'm honestly not sure if I'm saved or not, and I wish I knew. Or does God keep us guessing until we die?