
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I'm beginning to wonder what good it does to be a Christian. My sister is a very dedicated person, but the last couple of years have really been rough.

I'm beginning to wonder what good it does to be a Christian. My sister is a very dedicated person, but the last couple of years have really been rough (mainly due to health issues). Being a Christian sure hasn't kept her from trouble, although it doesn't get her down.

I know I'm drinking too much, but I just can't seem to stop. My family has threatened to throw me out.

I know I'm drinking too much, but I just can't seem to stop. My family has threatened to throw me out if I don't quit, but even that hasn't done it. I'm at the end of my rope. Why won't God help me?

My cousin won a fair amount of money in the lottery the other day and says he thinks God must have given it to him.

My cousin won a fair amount of money in the lottery the other day and says he thinks God must have given it to him. Now he's planning to put it all back into the lottery, because he believes God will help him win even more. I have a hard time believing this, but could he be right?

We pray the Lord's Prayer in our church every week, but do you think the time will ever come when God's will actually is going to be done on earth as it is in heaven (as the prayer says)?

We pray the Lord's Prayer in our church every week, but do you think the time will ever come when God's will actually is going to be done on earth as it is in heaven (as the prayer says)? The world is so full of evil that I honestly wonder how it could ever happen.

My husband and I gave some money to a Christian orphanage in another country that sent us a very heartbreaking appeal in the mail. But now we've learned it's all a fraud, and the people behind it were just getting money for themselves. How could they do something like this?

My husband and I gave some money to a Christian orphanage in another country that sent us a very heartbreaking appeal in the mail. But now we've learned it's all a fraud, and the people behind it were just getting money for themselves. How could they do something like this?

Does God care about animals? I'm 9 years old, and my dog is very important to me. But maybe Jesus doesn't want me to have so much fun with her. Thank you for answering my question.

Does God care about animals? I'm 9 years old, and my dog is very important to me. But maybe Jesus doesn't want me to have so much fun with her. Thank you for answering my question.

I'd like to turn my life over to God, but I'm afraid of what my friends will think of me. I know you'll probably say this isn't a very good excuse, but I can't help worrying about it. I don't want to lose my friends.

I'd like to turn my life over to God, but I'm afraid of what my friends will think of me. I know you'll probably say this isn't a very good excuse, but I can't help worrying about it. I don't want to lose my friends.

I’m a college student, and I’ve gone to church most of my life. But now I’m facing some strong temptations and I don’t think I have the courage to resist them. I admit I’ve always been told that God says they’re wrong, but why shouldn’t I give in and have a good time for a few years?

I'm a college student, and I've gone to church most of my life. But now I'm facing some strong temptations and I don't think I have the courage to resist them. I admit I've always been told that God says they're wrong, but why shouldn't I give in and have a good time for a few years?

I used to pray a lot, but I've just about given up praying because it doesn't seem to do any good. Is God testing me or something?

I used to pray a lot, but I've just about given up praying because it doesn't seem to do any good. Is God testing me or something?

How much power does the devil actually have? I know he isn't as powerful as God, but just how far can he go? And how can we resist him, since I know we aren't nearly as strong as he is?

How much power does the devil actually have? I know he isn't as powerful as God, but just how far can he go? And how can we resist him, since I know we aren't nearly as strong as he is?

My husband has been out of work for 10 months now, and it's been the hardest time of our lives. I'm not even sure our marriage is going to survive. It's not just the lack of money, but his foul moods and even his belief that God has turned His back on us. How can we get through this?

My husband has been out of work for 10 months now, and it's been the hardest time of our lives. I'm not even sure our marriage is going to survive. It's not just the lack of money, but his foul moods and even his belief that God has turned His back on us. How can we get through this?

I don't mean to be disrespectful, but why did God make the world so that some people die at a very young age, and others die when they're old? Why didn't He make it so everyone lives a long time and has a good life?

I don't mean to be disrespectful, but why did God make the world so that some people die at a very young age, and others die when they're old? Why didn't He make it so everyone lives a long time and has a good life?