
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

The Virgin Birth Is Not a Myth

I know Christians claim Jesus was born of a virgin, but surely that's just a story someone made up. After all, no one has ever been born without a human father, and no one ever will be. How could Jesus' birth be any different?

Stand Strong Despite Trials

I am 14, and I am the only Christian in my family (they came here from another country and practice another religion). I began following Jesus through some classmates at school, but my parents have ordered me not to celebrate Christmas in any way. Will God be upset at me for ignoring Jesus' birth?

Why Didn't God Wait Until Now to Send Jesus to Earth?

Why didn't God wait until now to send Jesus to earth? Then He could've used the Internet and television and things like that to spread His message. Besides that, I think it would be cool to be able to see Jesus in person!

Feel Overwhelmed? Remember the Calm of the First Christmas

I'd never admit this to anyone, of course, but I hate Christmas. I come from a large family, and between having to buy gifts for everyone and visiting relatives and programs at church and everything, it's just too much. I know I ought to try to get into the Christmas spirit, but I'm just too tired.

Christ's Love Can Help You Overcome Temptation

My office is having its annual Christmas party soon, but I'm a recovering alcoholic and I ought to stay away because I know I'll be tempted to drink (although no one at work knows this). Everyone is expected to go, so pray I'll do what's right.

Do You Have Loved Ones in Prison?

My father is in prison. I want him to have a happy Christmas, but I don't know how. We can only visit him every few months. I miss him a lot. I am nine years old.

Use Scripture to Help You Celebrate Christmas

We'd like to read some Bible verses about Christmas with our children, but we don't know where to find them. Do you have some suggestions?

How Should I Defend Biblical Marriage to My Children?

Our son (who's in his mid-20s) just announced that his girlfriend has moved in with him, and when he comes home for Christmas he'll be bringing her along. We didn't raise him this way and as Christians we don't approve of what he's doing, but how do we tell him she's not welcome? We don't have an extra bedroom.

Let Jesus Fill You With Love and Compassion

My grandmother's will was fairly vague, and for over a year my aunts and uncles have done nothing but fight over it (although she didn't have that much). My grandmother would be horrified. Why are some people so greedy?

Turn Your Focus Toward Jesus This Christmas

Our children are already excited about Christmas, but several months ago my husband lost his job and it's going to be a very slim Christmas this year. But how do we explain this to them? They'll not only be disappointed, but they'll be embarrassed when they see what their friends got. What should we do?

Can Pride Be a Good Thing?

I think you're wrong when you say pride is a sin. I think pride is a healthy thing, because it makes us want to work harder and become a better person. I think it's good for us to take pride in our accomplishments.

How Can I Get God to Love Me?

I'd like to believe that God loves me, but I don't think He does. No matter how good I try to be, something always goes wrong. I've finally decided God must hate me. Is there any way I can get Him to love me?