
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

My husband admits he's being unfaithful to me but he doesn't care. He says if I don't like it I should leave. I've always felt divorce was wrong in God's eyes, but I feel so humiliated and hurt that I don't know how much more I can take. Please pray for me.

My husband admits he's being unfaithful to me but he doesn't care. He says if I don't like it I should leave. I've always felt divorce was wrong in God's eyes, but I feel so humiliated and hurt that I don't know how much more I can take. Please pray for me.

I really like contemporary Christian music, but I spent a couple of weeks with my aunt this summer and she really came down on me and said I shouldn't be listening to such "noise" (I'm 16). I wonder what you think.

I really like contemporary Christian music, but I spent a couple of weeks with my aunt this summer and she really came down on me and said I shouldn't be listening to such "noise" (I'm 16). I wonder what you think.

Did the miracles in the Bible really happen, or were they just events that people in those days couldn't understand, although today we can explain them because we look at things scientifically?

Did the miracles in the Bible really happen, or were they just events that people in those days couldn't understand, although today we can explain them because we look at things scientifically?

For many years, I took care of my disabled sister (she had severe cerebral palsy), and while I also had a job, I did almost everything for her. But a few months ago, she died peacefully in her sleep, and now I feel depressed and absolutely useless. How will God get me out of this?

For many years, I took care of my disabled sister (she had severe cerebral palsy), and while I also had a job, I did almost everything for her. But a few months ago, she died peacefully in her sleep, and now I feel depressed and absolutely useless. How will God get me out of this?

Our son died from an overdose of antidepressants. He had struggled with depression for years, and maybe it finally got to him (although maybe it was accidental – we'll never know). He was a sincere Christian, but if he did take his life, does it mean he committed the unforgivable sin and lost his salvation? Obviously, this burdens us very much.

Our son died from an overdose of antidepressants. He had struggled with depression for years, and maybe it finally got to him (although maybe it was accidental - we'll never know). He was a sincere Christian, but if he did take his life, does it mean he committed the unforgivable sin and lost his salvation? Obviously, this burdens us very much.

My friend says that we're either doing God's will or we aren't doing God's will, and there isn't anything in between. But we're never perfect, are we? So how can we ever say we're doing God's will completely, when we're probably only doing it halfway?

My friend says that we're either doing God's will or we aren't doing God's will, and there isn't anything in between. But we're never perfect, are we? So how can we ever say we're doing God's will completely, when we're probably only doing it halfway?

I suppose you've heard this before from other people, but I don't go to church and don't see any real reason to start going.

I suppose you've heard this before from other people, but I don't go to church and don't see any reason to start going. I consider myself a Christian, but I've never gotten much out of church, so why should I bother?

I'm in jail serving a two-year sentence, and I know I deserve it so that's not the issue. What gets me is the people at church.

I'm in jail serving a two-year sentence, and I know I deserve it so that's not the issue. What gets me is that no one in our church ever asks my wife about me or tries to help her or anything. I know I've done wrong, but we're still human. Shouldn't they show some concern?

Recently, I met a friend from high school that I hadn't seen in many years, and after I told him I was a Christian he admitted he didn't want anything to do with God, and even wishes he'd never been born because he's had such a miserable life. I'd like to write him, but I don't know what to say. Any suggestions?

Recently, I met a friend from high school that I hadn't seen in many years, and after I told him I was a Christian he admitted he didn't want anything to do with God, and even wishes he'd never been born because he's had such a miserable life. I'd like to write him, but I don't know what to say. Any suggestions?

Recently, you've written some columns on forgiveness, but how can you forgive someone who's no longer alive? After my husband passed away last year, I found out he'd been unfaithful to me and had even fathered a child, and I'm having a very hard time dealing with this. I know I should forgive him, but how can I since he's no longer alive?

Recently, you've written some columns on forgiveness, but how can you forgive someone who's no longer alive? After my husband passed away last year, I found out he'd been unfaithful to me and had even fathered a child, and I'm having a very hard time dealing with this. I know I should forgive him, but how can I since he's no longer alive?

A few weeks ago, a friend gave me a book in which the author tells exactly when Jesus is going to return (and he claims it's not far away). He says the Holy Spirit revealed it to him in a dream. Could he be right?

A few weeks ago, a friend gave me a book in which the author tells exactly when Jesus is going to return (and he claims it's not far away). He says the Holy Spirit revealed it to him in a dream. Could he be right?

What happens to us in the first minute after we die?

What happens to us in the first minute after we die? Do we enter heaven immediately, or do our souls go into some kind of a sleep until the end of time, when our souls and our bodies will be reunited? I've always had lots of questions about heaven.