
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

What do angels look like? Do they really have wings, and can they fly through the air? My 8-year-old son has been asking me lots of questions about angels and I haven't known how to reply.

What do angels look like? Do they really have wings, and can they fly through the air? My 8-year-old son has been asking me lots of questions about angels and I haven't known how to reply.

I used to think that some day we'd live in peace and harmony with each other, once we learned to be friends and accept each other. But now I'm beginning to have my doubts. Does the Bible say anything about this? Will we ever see a better world?

I used to think that some day we'd live in peace and harmony with each other, once we learned to be friends and accept each other. But now I'm beginning to have my doubts. Does the Bible say anything about this? Will we ever see a better world?

I wish I could be friendly and outgoing like other people are, but I've always been a very shy person, and whenever I get in a group I just clam up and don't say anything. Can God change my personality? Or is this the way I'll always be, because it's the way He made me?

I wish I could be friendly and outgoing like other people are, but I've always been a very shy person, and whenever I get in a group I just clam up and don't say anything. Can God change my personality? Or is this the way I'll always be, because it's the way He made me?

Please pray for me. The doctor says I need open-heart surgery, and I'm scared I won't make it. I've never been a religious person, but is it too late to turn to God? If I died right now I know I wouldn't go to heaven.

Please pray for me. The doctor says I need open-heart surgery, and I'm scared I won't make it. I've never been a religious person, but is it too late to turn to God? If I died right now I know I wouldn't go to heaven.

I truly believe God has forgiven me for some bad things I did when I was younger, but I can't forgive myself. I hurt a lot of people by my actions, and nothing can erase that. I'll always feel guilty for the harm I caused.

I truly believe God has forgiven me for some bad things I did when I was younger, but I can't forgive myself. I hurt a lot of people by my actions, and nothing can erase that. I'll always feel guilty for the harm I caused.

Was Jesus really dead when they placed Him in the tomb? I can accept most of what Christianity teaches, but to be honest the idea that someone came back from the dead is a bit hard for me to swallow. Maybe Jesus wasn't really dead, and He just recovered once His body was taken down from the cross.

Was Jesus really dead when they placed Him in the tomb? I can accept most of what Christianity teaches, but to be honest the idea that someone came back from the dead is a bit hard for me to swallow. Maybe Jesus wasn't really dead, and He just recovered once His body was taken down from the cross.

My girlfriend and I are living together, but her parents have let it be known they don't approve.

My girlfriend and I are living together, but her parents have let it be known they don't approve "because God doesn't like it." What's the big deal? It's so common today that I don't see why anyone should object.

Our three grandchildren live in a different part of the country and we almost never get to see them (maybe once or twice a year, at most). We'd like to be a good influence on them (especially spiritually), but how can we when they're so far away?

Our three grandchildren live in a different part of the country and we almost never get to see them (maybe once or twice a year, at most). We'd like to be a good influence on them (especially spiritually), but how can we when they're so far away?

Why do you think there is so much violence in our communities today? We've had several shocking cases in our schools recently, and no one seems to know what to do about it. My husband thinks it's because of all the violence that kids see on TV, but I wonder if it's something deeper.

Why do you think there is so much violence in our communities today? We've had several shocking cases in our schools recently, and no one seems to know what to do about it. My husband thinks it's because of all the violence that kids see on TV, but I wonder if it's something deeper.

I read an article the other day about a survey someone had done on prayer. It concluded that it didn't do any good to pray when we're sick, because people who didn't pray got well just about as often as people who did pray. What would you say about this?

I read an article the other day about a survey someone had done on prayer. It concluded that it didn't do any good to pray when we're sick, because people who didn't pray got well just about as often as people who did pray. What would you say about this?

I don't believe we go to heaven when we die. Instead I believe that we come back to earth (or perhaps go to another planet) and live another life, and we keep coming back until we finally reach perfection. You're free to believe what you want to, but this is what I believe.

I don't believe we go to heaven when we die. Instead I believe that we come back to earth (or perhaps go to another planet) and live another life, and we keep coming back until we finally reach perfection. You're free to believe what you want to, but this is what I believe.

Two years after our mother died our father remarried (someone he'd known in high school). But he never discussed it with us, and he just can't seem to understand why my sisters and I are having such a hard time accepting her as part of our families. Are we wrong to feel this way?

Two years after our mother died our father remarried (someone he'd known in high school). But he never discussed it with us, and he just can't seem to understand why my sisters and I are having such a hard time accepting her as part of our families. Are we wrong to feel this way?