
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Why was Jesus born in such humble circumstances? Wouldn't people have been more likely to listen to Him if He'd been born in a palace instead of a stable? I've never understood why God arranged it this way.

Why was Jesus born in such humble circumstances? Wouldn't people have been more likely to listen to Him if He'd been born in a palace instead of a stable? I've never understood why God arranged it this way.

This has been a very hard year for us, because we've both lost our jobs and I'm not even sure we're going to be able to keep our house. I know Christmas is supposed to be a time of joy and happiness, but how can it be for us?

This has been a very hard year for us, because we've both lost our jobs and I'm not even sure we're going to be able to keep our house. I know Christmas is supposed to be a time of joy and happiness, but how can it be for us?

My family came here from a country that doesn't celebrate Christmas. I know it has to do with the birth of Jesus, but what else can you tell me about it? Most people here don't look on it as a religious holiday, do they?

My family came here from a country that doesn't celebrate Christmas. I know it has to do with the birth of Jesus, but what else can you tell me about it? Most people here don't look on it as a religious holiday, do they?

Don't you think our society has lost sight of the true meaning of Christmas? Sometimes I wonder what Jesus would think if He walked through one of our malls around Christmas and saw all the decorations and everything, but nothing about His birth.

Don't you think our society has lost sight of the true meaning of Christmas? Sometimes I wonder what Jesus would think if He walked through one of our malls around Christmas and saw all the decorations and everything, but nothing about His birth.

If you turn your back on God, will He turn His back on you? I've ignored Him most of my life but I know this was wrong. Is it too late? Is God so fed up with me that He won't have anything to do with me?

If you turn your back on God, will He turn His back on you? I've ignored Him most of my life but I know this was wrong. Is it too late? Is God so fed up with me that He won't have anything to do with me?

I've been in a drug rehab program for six months, and they just told me I can go home for a few days at Christmas. I suppose I ought to be glad, but I'm actually scared because I'll see all my old friends and they'll try to drag me down. What can I do?

I've been in a drug rehab program for six months, and they just told me I can go home for a few days at Christmas. I suppose I ought to be glad, but I'm actually scared because I'll see all my old friends and they'll try to drag me down. What can I do?

We don't understand our son-in-law. We had a close relationship at first (especially since he and our daughter live nearby), but now he tells our daughter that we irritate him and he wishes we'd just back off. What have we done wrong? We pray about this every day, but nothing changes.

We don't understand our son-in-law. We had a close relationship at first (especially since he and our daughter live nearby), but now he tells our daughter that we irritate him and he wishes we'd just back off. What have we done wrong? We pray about this every day, but nothing changes.

Why should I believe that Christianity is any truer than other religions? I'm not sure any religion can claim to have the truth (and in fact, I'm not even sure God exists), but I'm open to changing my mind.

Why should I believe that Christianity is any truer than other religions? I'm not sure any religion can claim to have the truth (and in fact, I'm not even sure God exists), but I'm open to changing my mind.

My children and grandchildren keep asking me what I want them to give me for Christmas, but truthfully, at my age, I don't need anything. How can I tell them this without sounding like I don't care for them or don't want them to bother me?

My children and grandchildren keep asking me what I want them to give me for Christmas, but truthfully, at my age, I don't need anything. How can I tell them this without sounding like I don't care for them or don't want them to bother me?

I know God has forgiven me for all the bad things I did when I was young, but will I ever forget them? They haunt me all the time because I know my life would have been much different if I just hadn't chosen to go down the wrong road.

I know God has forgiven me for all the bad things I did when I was young, but will I ever forget them? They haunt me all the time because I know my life would have been much different if I just hadn't chosen to go down the wrong road.

I admit I'm angry and upset because my husband divorced me for another woman over a year ago, and since then he hasn't called even once to see how our three children are doing (even last Christmas). How could anyone be so selfish? Our children are too young to know what's going on but it sure hurts me.

I admit I'm angry and upset because my husband divorced me for another woman over a year ago, and since then he hasn't called even once to see how our three children are doing (even last Christmas). How could anyone be so selfish? Our children are too young to know what's going on but it sure hurts me.

I want to get my nephew (who is 15) a Bible for Christmas but I don't know which one to buy. I went to the bookstore the other day and just got confused because there were so many choices. Do you have any suggestions?

I want to get my nephew (who is 15) a Bible for Christmas but I don't know which one to buy. I went to the bookstore the other day and just got confused because there were so many choices. Do you have any suggestions?