
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Is there any hope for our nation's future?

I get very disillusioned with the way our politicians squabble all the time. Do you see any hope for the future, or is our nation headed for the trash heap like every other civilization?

Is believing in Jesus enough for me to be saved?

Our pastor quoted something from the Bible that said we'd never see God unless we were holy. Well, I don't consider myself a particularly holy person, because I know I'm not perfect. Does this mean it isn't enough to believe in Jesus for our salvation?

Some people say it's a mistake to say that Jesus was the unique Son of God. Are they right?

Some people came to my door the other day to talk about religion, and (if I understood them) they said it's a mistake to say that Jesus was the unique Son of God. We're all sons of God, they said. I don't know much about religion, but are they right?

How do you know if something bad that happens to you is from God, or if it's from the devil?

How do you know if something bad that happens to you is from God, or if it's from the devil? I've gone through a hard time recently, and one friend tells me that God sent it to make me a better person, while another friend says the devil sent it to make me doubt God. How do I know who's right?

My mother was always an angry, critical person.

My mother was always an angry, critical person who never got along with anyone, and while I was growing up I vowed I'd never be like her. But now I find that sometimes I'm just like she was, and it alarms me because I don't want to be that way. What's wrong with me?

Is there any way I can know—really know—that I am going to go to heaven when I die?

Is there any way I can know—really know—that I am going to go to heaven when I die? I believe in Jesus and have given my life to Him, but I still can't say that I know beyond doubt that I'll go to heaven.

In biblical times, did God speak to people in a voice they could hear?

In biblical times, did God speak to people in a voice they could hear? If so, why doesn't He do it today? I'd have a much stronger faith if I only heard His voice speaking to me once in a while.

How can I know which faith is right for me? There are dozens of churches in my city, and I can't visit all of them.

How can I know which faith is right for me? There are dozens of churches in my city, and I can't visit all of them. I don't come from a religious family, but now that I've moved away from home I feel I need to change. But how do I start?

I don't understand what's happening to my wife. She seems to have lost any joy for living, and some days she almost can't get out of bed. Her doctor says she needs to go on an anti-depressant medicine, but some friends say we just need more faith. She wants me to make the decision, but I don't know what to do.

I don't understand what's happening to my wife. She seems to have lost any joy for living, and some days she almost can't get out of bed. Her doctor says she needs to go on an anti-depressant medicine, but some friends say we just need more faith. She wants me to make the decision, but I don't know what to do.

How can someone be a Christian and yet secretly do something that's obviously illegal? Someone in our church was convicted of embezzlement recently, and now she's headed for prison. How could she do this but still go to church every week?

How can someone be a Christian and yet secretly do something that's obviously illegal? Someone in our church was convicted of embezzlement recently, and now she's headed for prison. How could she do this but still go to church every week?

I've always said I'd never go into a nursing home, but after I broke my hip I didn't have any choice. Why did God let this happen to me? I've always wanted to be independent in my old age, and now I'm not, and I don't like it.

I've always said I'd never go into a nursing home, but after I broke my hip I didn't have any choice. Why did God let this happen to me? I've always wanted to be independent in my old age, and now I'm not, and I don't like it.

Where Did the World Come From? Billy Graham Answers

Where did the world come from? My junior high school science teacher says that it just happened, but my Sunday school teacher says God made it. They can't both be right, can they?