
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

What does God have to do with taxes? That's not a spiritual issue.

Last year, I earned some extra money working on the side and I didn't see any reason for paying income tax on it this year. Several friends did the same, but my wife says this was wrong in God's eyes. What does God have to do with taxes? That's not a spiritual issue.

I've had some bad bosses in the past but my present one is the worst. Should I just quit?

I've had some bad bosses in the past but my present one is the worst. No matter what we do, he always finds something wrong with it and never thanks us for what we did right. The situation is very stressful. Should I just quit?

Why should I believe in a religion that's almost 2,000 years old?

Over the centuries, we've changed our ideas about every other area of knowledge, so why shouldn't we change our ideas about God? Why should I believe in a religion that's almost 2,000 years old?

I know we can become addicted to things like alcohol and drugs, but is it possible to become addicted to other things?

I know we can become addicted to things like alcohol and drugs, but is it possible to become addicted to other things? My cousin spends hours and hours every day exercising, and it's almost like an addiction with her.

People talk about getting close to God, but what do they mean by this, and is it really possible?

I don't have any trouble believing in God but He seems very far away -- like a distant relative I've never met. People talk about getting close to God, but what do they mean by this, and is it really possible?

Why are children so cruel?

Why are children so cruel? Our son has some slight physical handicaps, and it's really hard for us to watch some of the children in his class make fun of him and call him nicknames that are hurtful. We've thought about saying something to his teachers, but we don't want to be complainers.

Does God care about animals?

Our daughter is very tender-hearted toward animals, and recently became a volunteer at our local animal shelter. We're glad she's found something that interests her, since many kids her age (she's 16) drift along without much purpose. She feels this is what God wants her to do with her life, but is God really interested in things like this?

How big is God? Is He bigger than the moon? I'm in first grade, and my mother said to ask you.

How big is God? Is He bigger than the moon? I'm in first grade, and my mother said to ask you.

Shouldn't churches and other non-profit organizations pay their fair share of taxes?

I just paid my taxes, and it makes me angry to see all the churches, charities and other organizations that don't pay a cent in taxes, while I have to pay until it hurts. They ought to pay their fair share just like everyone else. I know you don't agree, but that's my position.

No one ever told me how lonely and hard divorce can be.

My husband and I stuck it out until the children were grown, but it's been two years now since the divorce and I'm beginning to wish I'd tried harder to keep us together. No one ever told me how hard and lonely it is. I don't have a question, but maybe my experience will help someone.

Is it possible to change my rocky relationship with my mother?

I've had a rocky relationship with my mother most of my life, and in fact we've hardly spoken in the last year. But recently, the mother of a close friend of mine died, and it's started me thinking if I ought to try to change this. But how do I go about it? Or is it even possible?

Will I say the wrong thing and offend God when I pray?

I grew up in a church that always used printed or memorized prayers in its services, and I'm having a hard time learning to pray on my own. I even worry if it's wrong to try praying in our own words, because we might say something wrong and offend God. Is this a danger?