
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

All my friends think I've got it together, but down inside I know I don't.

All my friends think I've got it together, but down inside I know I don't. I ought to be content because I've achieved almost everything I ever wanted. But I'm still empty inside and don't have any peace. What's wrong with me? Maybe I need God.

I just got out of college, and I'm in a panic because I don't have any idea what I want to do.

I just got out of college, and I'm in a panic because I don't have any idea what I want to do. Right now, I'm working in a restaurant, but I don't want to do that the rest of my life. I admit I goofed off more than I should have but now it's catching up with me. How can I decide?

I'd like to think God loves me, but I honestly can't see why He should.

I know you like to say that God loves us, but what about someone who isn't talented or doesn't have any money or isn't successful? Does He love them, too? I'd like to think God loves me, but I honestly can't see why He should.

I know I ought to pay more attention to God and be more active in my church, but I'm so busy trying to keep my business going that I have a hard time fitting everything in.

I know I ought to pay more attention to God and be more active in my church, but I'm so busy trying to keep my business going that I have a hard time fitting everything in. Does God understand this, or is He upset because I'm not giving Him as much attention as I should?

I've been asked to be on the search committee for a new pastor for our church. What should we be looking for?

I've been asked to be on the search committee for a new pastor for our church. What should we be looking for? We want someone who's friendly and preaches well, but what else should we be concerned about?

I've always tried to do my best and live by the Bible's statement that "God helps those who help themselves" because I want to go to heaven when I die.

I've always tried to do my best and live by the Bible's statement that "God helps those who help themselves" because I want to go to heaven when I die. But recently a friend said she thinks this may not be what the Bible means by this statement. Is she right?

My husband is really getting forgetful (we're both in our late 70s) but he refuses to admit it and won't even think about seeing a doctor.

My husband is really getting forgetful (we're both in our late 70s) but he refuses to admit it and won't even think about seeing a doctor. The situation is getting harder and harder for me to handle, but I don't know what to do. What would you suggest?

My grown children are angry and don't want anything to do with me. Is this a hopeless situation?

I admit that not seeing my three children after I divorced and moved away didn't bother me much. But over 20 years have passed and now they're married and having children, and suddenly I'd love to reconnect with them. But they're still angry and don't want anything to do with me. Is this a hopeless situation?

None of my friends have any interest in God, and I'm afraid they'll drop me if I start going to church.

Like lots of people I left God behind when I went to college, but almost 20 years have gone by and I'm beginning to wonder if I made the right decision. But none of my friends have any interest in God, and I'm afraid they'll drop me if I start going to church. Can you see my problem?

Our son is planning to enlist in the military in a few months.

Our son is planning to enlist in the military in a few months. I know we're supposed to believe God will take care of him, but right now we've got a bad case of nerves and our fears are a lot stronger than our faith. How can we get over this?

What good would it do for me to just tell myself I'm not so bad after all?

Those psychologists I watch on TV say we need to have a healthy self-image but they never say how to get one -- at least not in a way that helps me. I admit I get down on myself and blame myself for everything, but what good would it do for me to just tell myself I'm not so bad after all?

In my view, religion is only for weak people who can't stand on their own two feet.

In my view, religion is only for weak people who can't stand on their own two feet. Life isn't easy, but it's useless to lean on some imaginary "God" for help. We have to fight our own battles and can only depend on ourselves. I don't have any use for religion.