
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I've hurt a lot of people in my life, especially my ex-wives and our children.

I've hurt a lot of people in my life, especially my ex-wives and our children. I feel bad about it now, and I guess I ought to tell them I'm sorry, but for some reason I just can't bring myself to do it. Please pray I'll do the right thing.

Some people in my unit have a strong faith in God but others don't want anything to do with Him, even when facing death. Why are they so resistant?

I suppose you've heard the old expression that "there aren't any atheists in foxholes." Well, I'm on my second tour of duty in Afghanistan, and I don't think it's necessarily true. Some people in my unit have a strong faith in God but others don't want anything to do with Him, even when facing death. Why are they so resistant?

I think we all have a little bit of God living within us, and that it's wrong to say we're sinful or bad.

I think we all have a little bit of God living within us, and that it's wrong to say we're sinful or bad. We're basically good, because we are part of God, and what we need to do is get in contact with the God who is within us.

What makes Jesus different from any other great man who ever lived?

What makes Jesus different from any other great man who ever lived? In my opinion, you could even say He was a failure because He never did anything important while He was on earth, did He?

Is God opposed to people trying to get rich and be successful?

Is God opposed to people trying to get rich and be successful? I sometimes get that idea, but what's wrong with trying to make as much money as you can, as long as you aren't dishonest? That's my goal in life, frankly.

Where did the idea of hell come from?

Where did the idea of hell come from? I don't believe there is such a thing because God is for life and for love, not destruction and hate, like some people seem to think.

A friend of mine says you can prove anything from the Bible, and therefore it doesn't make any sense to believe it.

A friend of mine says you can prove anything from the Bible, and therefore it doesn't make any sense to believe it. To prove her point, she claimed the Bible even says in one place that there is no God. I don't agree with her, but I didn't know what to say.

I've always been a fairly independent person, and for that reason I've never bothered getting connected to a church.

I've always been a fairly independent person, and for that reason I've never bothered getting connected to a church. It always seemed like too much hassle. And anyway, I can watch a church service on TV if I want to. I know you probably wouldn't agree, but why?

I gave my life to Jesus at a summer church camp two years ago, but why do I still have temptations?

I gave my life to Jesus at a summer church camp two years ago, but why do I still have temptations? I thought those would go away when I accepted Jesus, but they haven't.

What makes us any different from other animals, except for our superior mental abilities?

What makes us any different from other animals, except for our superior mental abilities? As far as I can tell, we're just another type of animal, and once we die that's the end. I assume you don't agree, but why?

I haven't paid much attention to God, but is it too late to change that?

I just turned 50, and I didn't think it would bother me, but it has. Suddenly, I've realized I'm getting older, and I wonder if I'm headed in the right direction. I haven't paid much attention to God, but is it too late to change that?

I'd like to change my life and get rid of some of my bad habits, but I can't seem to make much progress.

I'd like to change my life and get rid of some of my bad habits, but I can't seem to make much progress. Maybe I need God to help me. Or does He expect us to clean up our lives on our own before He'll have anything to do with us?