
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I read your column fairly regularly, and from time to time I notice that you urge people to learn to walk with God every day.

I read your column fairly regularly, and from time to time I notice that you urge people to learn to walk with God every day. What exactly do you mean by that? And how does it happen?

A friend of mine says that if we just had enough faith, then we wouldn't have any problems in our lives.

A friend of mine says that if we just had enough faith, then we wouldn't have any problems in our lives. Is she right? If she is, how can I get that kind of a faith?

A good friend who used to be in my Bible study at church is heading down the wrong road, because he's secretly involved with someone who isn't his wife.

A good friend who used to be in my Bible study at church is heading down the wrong road, because he's secretly involved with someone who isn't his wife. I guess I ought to say something to him but I'm afraid I'll lose his friendship. Is there any way I can get him to wake up?

The kindest, most thoughtful person I know says she's an atheist and doesn't even believe in God.

The kindest, most thoughtful person I know says she's an atheist and doesn't even believe in God. I always thought we needed to believe in God before we'd behave like she does, but I guess this isn't necessarily true, is it?

How can I know if I'm a real Christian? I'd like to think I am, and I try to behave like one, but how can I know what God thinks of me?

How can I know if I'm a real Christian? I'd like to think I am, and I try to behave like one, but how can I know what God thinks of me? Sometimes I get very frightened when I think about meeting God some day.

How did the men who wrote the Bible know what happened thousands of years before they were born—things like the creation of the world, for example?

How did the men who wrote the Bible know what happened thousands of years before they were born—things like the creation of the world, for example? I'd like to believe the Bible, but I guess I have too many unanswered questions.

Our teenaged son got into drugs at a fairly young age, and we didn't even pick up on it or try to get help for him until it was too late (he died of an overdose).

Our teenage son got into drugs at a fairly young age, and we didn't even pick up on it or try to get help for him until it was too late (he died of an overdose). I guess we hoped the problem would go away but it didn't. Please warn parents to be more alert.

What do you think our country is going to be like in another 100 years?

What do you think our country is going to be like in another 100 years? I get very discouraged about our future because of the moral and spiritual trends I see. Do you think anyone will even believe in God a century from now, or will we have left Him completely behind?

My wife and I never did get along very well, and to be honest, when she died last year I wasn't all that sad (although I tried to act like I was).

My wife and I never did get along very well, and to be honest, when she died last year I wasn't all that sad (although I tried to act like I was). But now I miss her very, very much, and I'm miserable without her. Why do I feel this way?

My uncle has had a lot of problems in his life but I've never heard him admit even once that they might have been his fault (which they usually are).

My uncle has had a lot of problems in his life but I've never heard him admit even once that they might have been his fault (which they usually are). Instead, he always blames someone else for his problems. Why is this? Is he just stubborn?

If you could change just one thing about human nature, what would it be?

If you could change just one thing about human nature, what would it be? And how would you go about doing it? The human race has so many problems that I think we need to give a lot of thought to this.

Recently, I've been pressuring my boyfriend to get married because I think it'll bring us closer together but he refuses to even talk about it.

My boyfriend and I have been living together for several years. Recently, I've been pressuring him to get married because I think it'll bring us closer together but he refuses to even talk about it. What's wrong with him? Should I just back off?