
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Our daughter has had a successful kidney transplant, and now she's urging us to sign up as organ donors.

Our daughter has had a successful kidney transplant, and now she's urging us to sign up as organ donors. Do you see anything wrong with this? I've always been told we need to respect our bodies since God gave them to us, and I'm wondering if this might be treating them with disrespect.

I have a friend who's what I guess you'd call a serious Christian, and sometimes he'll say things like, "God has been talking to me" about something or, "God wants me to do" something.

I have a friend who's what I guess you'd call a serious Christian, and sometimes he'll say things like, "God has been talking to me" about something or, "God wants me to do" something. Did he actually hear God speak?

Ten years ago, I told my son I didn't want anything more to do with him because I didn't approve of his immoral lifestyle.

Ten years ago, I told my son I didn't want anything more to do with him because I didn't approve of his immoral lifestyle. Well, now I've got cancer and the prospects aren't good, and I'm wondering if I did the right thing. I feel so alone, and he's the only family I have.

I'm in drug rehab for the third time in a year. Nothing seems to work.

I'm in drug rehab for the third time in a year. Nothing seems to work. I'll think I've got it licked, and then I'll fall back into my old ways. I promised my parents I'd write you, but I'm not even sure I believe in God.

We did our best to raise our two sons in a loving home, and we always took them to church and urged them to follow Jesus.

We did our best to raise our two sons in a loving home, and we always took them to church and urged them to follow Jesus. One has turned out very well, with a fine family and active in his church, but our other son was always rebellious and now is in prison for dealing drugs. What did we do wrong? We must've been terrible parents to have such a son.

I know I'm supposed to pray, but I've always had this feeling that God must be too busy to bother with the little things I worry about.

I know I'm supposed to pray, but I've always had this feeling that God must be too busy to bother with the little things I worry about. I suppose you won't agree with me, but why?

My friend says God uses tragedy to bring us closer to Himself, but how can that be?

My friend says God uses tragedy to bring us closer to Himself, but how can that be? I've always thought God loved us, so why would He use something terrible to make us love Him?

I've tried to read the Bible, but as far as I can tell it just talks about people who lived a long time ago.

I've tried to read the Bible, but as far as I can tell it just talks about people who lived a long time ago, and I don't see much point in trying to find out what they did. What am I missing?

My uncle says he's tired of dealing with people and he's going to spend the rest of his life breeding dogs because they don't cheat you or criticize you.

My uncle (who's just retired from a job that brought him into contact with lots of people) says he's tired of dealing with people and he's going to spend the rest of his life breeding dogs because they don't cheat you or criticize you. I understand what he's saying, but doesn't he have things a bit out of balance?

Do you think God actually knows all about each of us?

Do you think God actually knows all about each of us? I guess my view is that He's too big and we're too small and insignificant for Him to bother with, but maybe I'm wrong.

My husband says he doesn't feel any need for the church or Jesus because he thinks he can make it into heaven on his own.

My husband says he doesn't feel any need for the church or Jesus because he thinks he can make it into heaven on his own. I admit he's a good person, but how can I make him see this isn't enough, and that he needs Jesus in his life?

How do you know if you're actually helping someone or if they're just taking advantage of you?

How do you know if you're actually helping someone or if they're just taking advantage of you? My cousin is an alcoholic, and last year she moved in with us after her family threw her out. But nothing has changed and I'm not sure we're doing her any good.