
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

How Can I Know if God Has Forgiven Me?

I know I haven't lived a perfect life, but how can I know if God has forgiven me? I've tried to repent and ask Him for forgiveness, but I'd hate to get to the end and discover I was still guilty.

Christ Brings the Ultimate Freedom

If God loves us and wants us to be happy, then why doesn't He just leave us alone? I don't like to think that God is constantly watching me and telling me to stop doing whatever I enjoy doing. And anyway, doesn't the Bible say someplace that God wants us to be free?

Hard Time Choosing a Church?

We've been married for five years, and my husband and I still can't agree on what church to go to. We grew up in different denominations and neither of us wants to change, but as our children get older I know we need to decide where we'll take them to church. How can we settle this?

What's the Center of Your Life?

By the time you get this Christmas will be long gone, but this year it left me with an empty feeling I can't explain. I enjoyed being with family and all that, but all the talk about joy and peace just seems to be empty talk. What was I missing?

Learn from the Mistakes of Biblical Heroes

I've been watching a video series on the Old Testament recently, and it seems like hardly anyone back then lived a good or moral life. If the Bible is true, why did so many people in the Bible live sinful lives? Why are they even in the Bible?

Seek God's Wisdom Before Any Earthly Advice

I'm getting panicky because I'll be graduating from college in a few months, and I don't have any idea what I'm going to be doing. Maybe I shouldn't have played around so much, or perhaps I should have chosen a different major, but it's too late now. What advice would you give me?

Don't Be Deceived by Cults

Neither my husband nor I grew up in religious families. But we're curious about religion, and when a couple came to our door offering to explain their religion to us, we enjoyed talking with them. But how can we know if they're right? We don't want to get sucked into a cult.

Ask God to Guide You in Charitable Giving

Like most people, we got flooded toward the end of the year with appeals from organizations wanting money. Usually we're generous, but this year we threw them all away after hearing about a charity that turned out to be a fraud. How can we know which are legitimate? Or are they all a bit shady?

Turning from God Has Consequences

Does God punish us when we do something wrong? I'm beginning to think He does, although I always assumed He was kind and loving. I came from a Christian family, but I admit I turned my back on God once I left home, and now nothing is going right.

Be Careful of Having the Wrong Friends

I don't have any problem until I get around some of my old friends, who always tempt me to do things that mess up my life. They just laugh when I tell them to stop. Why do they keep pushing me like this?

Only God Can Help You Find Your Way

About a year ago I left the military after two tours of active duty. I feel so useless now. I can't find a job, I'm getting more and more depressed, and sometimes I wonder if I have any future. My wife says I need God. Would He help me?

Turn to God During Times of Adversity

I have a physical disability that the doctor says will eventually cripple me. I can't face this. You'll probably tell me to turn to God, but what good will that do? God isn't going to heal me. I don't think He even cares.