
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

It's been a very hard year for us because of the economic downturn, and to be honest, it would be hypocritical of us to celebrate Thanksgiving this year.

It's been a very hard year for us because of the economic downturn, and to be honest, it would be hypocritical of us to celebrate Thanksgiving this year. When you don't have anything to be thankful for, how can you claim to be celebrating it without being a liar?

We moved to a new city last year, and the church we've started attending is more formal or traditional than our old one.

We moved to a new city last year, and the church we've started attending is more formal or traditional than our old one. Recently, they've been talking about Advent, and I'm too embarrassed to admit I don't even know what it means. I know it has something to do with Christmas, but what?

I had back surgery a couple of years ago, and now I think I'm addicted to pain pills.

I had back surgery a couple of years ago, and now I think I'm addicted to pain pills. I get them from several different doctors, and I'm scared to seek help because I know that's illegal. Besides, I'm terrified of being taken off them. What should I do?

I've had a lot of money problems this year, and recently I watched a TV program advertising a book that would tell me how to become wealthy very quickly, or so they claimed.

I've had a lot of money problems this year, and recently I watched a TV program advertising a book that would tell me how to become wealthy very quickly, or so they claimed. I bought it, but now they're saying I need to buy a second book from them. Am I just wasting my money?

Do you believe the Internet is good or bad?

Do you believe the Internet is good or bad? I spend more time on my computer than I probably should, but am I doing something wrong (other than just wasting time)?

I've always believed in God, but some people I know are always talking about having a personal relationship with God, and I'm not sure what they mean.

I've always believed in God, but some people I know are always talking about having a personal relationship with God, and I'm not sure what they mean. Is this different from just believing in God?

My friends talk a lot about their ideas about God, but how can I know if what they're saying is true?

My friends talk a lot about their ideas about God, but how can I know if what they're saying is true? Sometimes they don't even agree with each other, and that confuses me even more.

I'm 16 years old and would like to become a Christian. But I'm afraid of what my family might do because they've always been very antagonistic toward religion.

I'm 16 years old and would like to become a Christian. But I'm afraid of what my family might do because they've always been very antagonistic toward religion. My father, especially, is very opposed to God. Can I be a secret Christian?

When a country experiences a bad natural disaster, is it because God is judging them for some sin they've committed?

When a country experiences a bad natural disaster, is it because God is judging them for some sin they've committed? If so, why don't other countries go through the same thing, since most of them aren't all that righteous?

I've had a fairly easy life, and I've always felt that God must've been watching over me.

I've had a fairly easy life, and I've always felt that God must've been watching over me. But my atheist friend says I've just been lucky, and God didn't have anything to do with it. How can I know if he's right or wrong?

Our niece was home for fall break from her university, and we were shocked at some of the things she told us about student life,

Our niece was home for fall break from her university, and we were shocked at some of the things she told us about student life, and how most of her fellow students don't seem to have any sense of right and wrong. What's happening to our society?

Who in your opinion was the greatest Christian who ever lived?

Who in your opinion was the greatest Christian who ever lived? I've asked a lot of people that question, but there didn't seem to be any agreement. What would you say it takes to be a great Christian?