
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

We get appeals for money from dozens of organizations this time of year, and I just throw them in the trash.

We get appeals for money from dozens of organizations this time of year, and I just throw them in the trash. Why don't they spend their money elsewhere? They could do a lot of good with what they waste on appeal letters.

I didn't vote in the last election.

I didn't vote in the last election because I've lost all hope that politicians are going to do the right thing, no matter what party they belong to. My wife says I should have voted anyway. Is she right?

I had to quit school to help take care of my mother (who was dying of cancer), so I never learned to read very well.

I had to quit school to help take care of my mother (who was dying of cancer), so I never learned to read very well. I've tried to read the Bible, but I guess I'm just not up to it. Will God hold this against me?

When we get sick, is it because we did something wrong and God is punishing us by making us sick?

When we get sick, is it because we did something wrong and God is punishing us by making us sick? I heard someone say this once, but if it's true, how can I know what I've done wrong?

We moved to a new city about a year ago, and we've about given up trying to find a church we like.

We moved to a new city about a year ago, and we've about given up trying to find a church we like. I admit we're trying to find a church like the one we left behind, but we just don't feel comfortable with any we've visited. What would be wrong with just watching services on television?

How do you know God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses?

How do you know God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses? Maybe Moses just made them up when he went up on that mountain, and they didn't really come from God after all.

How many people do you think there will be in heaven?

How many people do you think there will be in heaven? I have a cousin who belongs to a group that claims only a few people will make it all the way to heaven, but is this what the Bible says?

My father has always been a very prejudiced person, although I got over my prejudices long ago.

My father has always been a very prejudiced person, although I got over my prejudices long ago. But now he's saying things around our children about people of other races that I don't like for them to hear. How should I handle this?

My mother (who had a strong faith) passed away from cancer recently, and I don't know what to say to our 4-year-old daughter.

My mother (who had a strong faith) passed away from cancer recently, and I don't know what to say to our 4-year-old daughter. She's looking forward to visiting her this Christmas, but how am I going to tell her this isn't going to happen?

Someone hurt me very deeply about two years ago, and now I have an opportunity to really get back at her.

Someone hurt me very deeply about two years ago, and now I have an opportunity to really get back at her. My mother says I shouldn't do it, but I don't see any reason not to. What this person did was wrong, so why should she be allowed to get away with it?

I feel trapped. My boss is pressuring me to do something illegal, and I don't want to do it because I'm a Christian and I know it would be wrong.

I feel trapped. My boss is pressuring me to do something illegal, and I don't want to do it because I'm a Christian and I know it would be wrong. I desperately need my job, but I don't know how much longer I can put him off. What should I do?

Does God always judge people who are evil and deliberately do wrong?

Does God always judge people who are evil and deliberately do wrong? I'd like to think He does, but there are still a lot of evil people left in the world, and most of them seem to go through life without much bad ever happening to them.