
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I heard someone say recently that church people ought to stop celebrating Christmas because it's become so materialistic and secular.

I heard someone say recently that church people ought to stop celebrating Christmas because it's become so materialistic and secular that we no longer realize what it's all about. Do you think he has a point?

Why didn't the devil try to stop Jesus from being born?

December 22: Why didn't the devil try to stop Jesus from being born? After all, Jesus was coming into the world to turn people away from the devil's ways, wasn't He?

How can we explain to our children why they aren't going to get anything for Christmas?

This has really been a tough year for us -- lost jobs, house in foreclosure, you name it. How can we explain to our children why they aren't going to get anything for Christmas? They're too young to understand all the problems we've had.

Most of the pictures about Jesus' birth that we get on Christmas cards show Him with a halo around His head. Why is this?

Most of the pictures about Jesus' birth that we get on Christmas cards show Him with a halo around His head. Why is this? Did He actually have a halo when He was born?

I've taught a Bible class for the youth in our church for over 15 years, but some of the students had a run-in with the police.

I've taught a Bible class for the youth in our church for over 15 years, but some of the students who were in my class several years ago just had a run-in with the police, and now I wonder if I've just been wasting my time. Should I give it up?

I always pray when I go to bed, asking God to forgive me for whatever I did wrong that day.

I always pray when I go to bed, asking God to forgive me for whatever I did wrong that day. But how do I know if He really forgave me? I hope He did, but how can we be sure? Or can we?

I don’t think it makes any difference what religion we believe in, because in my opinion, all religions are equally true.

I don't think it makes any difference what religion we believe in, because in my opinion, all religions are equally true. They take different paths but they all lead to God. Why should I believe in Christianity instead of some other religion?

Was Jesus a real person? How do we know He even existed?

Was Jesus a real person? How do we know He even existed? After all, no one was around to take His photograph or interview Him or anything like that. Maybe someone just made Him up.

My fiance and I are of different faiths. Will that make any difference once we're married?

My fiance and I are of different faiths. Will that make any difference once we're married? We've talked about it, but we don't think it'll actually cause us any problems.

Christmas is almost here, and already I'm overwhelmed because of all the family that's coming.

Christmas is almost here, and already I'm overwhelmed because of all the family that's coming. We get along fine, but just getting ready is so demanding that I know I'll be exhausted before they even get here. How can I keep up the Christmas spirit with so much work to do?

My family came from a country that doesn't have many Christians, and I'd like to ask you a question.

My family came from a country that doesn't have many Christians, and I'd like to ask you a question. I understand Christians believe Jesus was divine, but isn't God supposed to be pure and holy? How could He have anything to do with a sinful world?

If you somehow had the ability to eradicate just one problem in the world, what would it be?

If you somehow had the ability to eradicate just one problem in the world, what would it be? My wife says she'd eliminate hunger, while I lean toward doing away with wars and things like that. I know we can't really do this, but thinking about it is an interesting exercise.