
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Do you think the world is getting more hostile toward religion, particularly Christianity?

Do you think the world is getting more hostile toward religion, particularly Christianity? I just read an article in a major magazine that was a subtle attack on Christians and the Bible, and it seems like this goes on much more often than it used to.

If the Gospel is true (which I'm convinced it is), then why don't more people believe in it?

If the Gospel is true (which I'm convinced it is), then why don't more people believe in it? Sometimes I'll even get one of my friends to agree that it's probably true, but they'll still refuse to commit their lives to Jesus. It doesn't make sense.

Have you ever thought about using the Internet to proclaim your message?

Have you ever thought about using the Internet to proclaim your message? A lot of my friends are on social media sites several times a day, and I wish someone would use the Internet to reach out to them with the Gospel.

Why should I give up my life of fun and stop doing all the things you'd probably say are wrong?

Why should I give up my life of fun and stop doing all the things you'd probably say are wrong? I don't expect to go to heaven anyway, so why shouldn't I live it up and have a good time while I can?

I'd believe in God if someone could prove to me that He actually exists.

I'd believe in God if someone could prove to me that He actually exists. Some of my Christian friends say I just have to take it on faith but that's not enough for me.

What good does it do to make a list of New Year's resolutions?

What good does it do to make a list of New Year's resolutions? I've done it most years, but I don't think I'm even going to bother this year because I never keep them, and I just end up frustrated.

It's been a hard year for me, and I'd give almost anything to know what the new year has in store for me.

It's been a hard year for me, and I'd give almost anything to know what the new year has in store for me. How can I find out? A woman in our town claims to be able to tell your future, and I'm almost willing to give her a try.

I thought that when I gave my life to Jesus I wouldn't have any more problems with temptation.

I thought that when I gave my life to Jesus I wouldn't have any more problems with temptation but it sure hasn't been true. If anything, the temptations have gotten stronger. Why is this?

I get upset and hurt very easily. But what can I do about it?

Recently, my aunt told me I needed to stop being so sensitive to what people say. She has a point, I guess, because I admit I get upset and hurt very easily. But what can I do about it?

Does it do any good to pray for peace in the world?

Does it do any good to pray for peace in the world? We do it every week in our church, but when I look back over the past year it doesn't seem like things are any better now than they were a year ago.

When the angels announced Jesus' birth, they said He would bring peace to the earth, didn't they?

December 25: When the angels announced Jesus' birth, they said He would bring peace to the earth, didn't they? But we still have as many wars and conflicts as we've ever had, and I can't see that the world is getting any better. What difference has Jesus really made?

My new neighbor comes from a non-Christian country, and she's been asking me about Christmas and why we do what we do then.

December 24: My new neighbor comes from a non-Christian country, and she's been asking me about Christmas and why we do what we do then. What would you say to someone like her? I've never tried to put it into words before.