
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Can a person be a dedicated scientist and still be a Christian?

I'm headed to college next year, and I plan to major in science. Can a person be a dedicated scientist and still be a Christian? I've given my life to Jesus, but most of the scientists I've met don't seem to believe in God.

I know God is supposed to be all-powerful, but why doesn't He do something about all the misery and suffering in the world?

I know God is supposed to be all-powerful, but why doesn't He do something about all the misery and suffering in the world? Maybe He isn't so powerful after all.

I'm old now, and I'm afraid I haven't been good enough for God to let me into heaven.

I'm old now, and I'm afraid I haven't been good enough for God to let me into heaven. I know it's too late for me to make up for some of the things I've done (or failed to do). How good do we have to be to go to heaven?

I've recently been diagnosed with a rare disorder that could kill me, although some people live for years.

I've recently been diagnosed with a rare disorder that could kill me, although some people live for years. My whole life has turned upside down. How should I deal with this? I believe in God, but I admit I'm not what you'd call a good Christian. I'm scared.

I'm supposed to give a brief message or devotion next month for our women's group at church, and I'm petrified because I've never done anything like this before.

I'm supposed to give a brief message or devotion next month for our women's group at church, and I'm petrified because I've never done anything like this before. How should I go about it? Some people just read from a book of devotions for this, but I don't want to do that.

My wife is always getting after me because she says I shouldn't use so much profanity (like using the name of Jesus or God in my speech).

My wife is always getting after me because she says I shouldn't use so much profanity (like using the name of Jesus or God in my speech). I admit I probably curse a lot, but so do all my friends, and we don't really mean anything by it. Why is it so wrong?

I was shocked the other day when a friend of mine told me she'd decided to drop out of church and forget about religion.

I was shocked the other day when a friend of mine told me she'd decided to drop out of church and forget about religion. She's always been fairly active in her church, but now she says she doesn't even believe in God. How do you explain this?

Is God behind absolutely everything that happens to us?

Is God behind absolutely everything that happens to us? I was in a bad car accident a few weeks ago and am just getting out of the hospital, and I've been wondering about this. Did God cause the accident, do you think?

I'm in my 80s, and I wish God would just take me to heaven.

I'm in my 80s, and I wish God would just take me to heaven. I don't have any reason to keep living -- my family on the other side of the country, confined to a nursing home, health getting worse. What would you say to someone like me?

My husband has always been an angry person, but recently he's turned very abusive and violent.

My husband has always been an angry person, but recently he's turned very abusive and violent. I even fear for my life and the lives of our children. I've always felt God wanted me to stick it out, but I'm scared.

Didn't Jesus say somewhere that it was hard to take the path to heaven, and only a few people would make it?

Didn't Jesus say somewhere that it was hard to take the path to heaven, and only a few people would make it? Why did He say this? Wouldn't it discourage people from wanting to follow Him? After all, most of us don't want to be unpopular or in the minority.

Which is more important in God's eyes — what we do (that is, our actions) or the reason why we're doing it (our motives)?

Which is more important in God's eyes -- what we do (that is, our actions) or the reason why we're doing it (our motives)? My cousin and I are having a friendly argument about this, and I'd be interested to know what you think.