
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I got very discouraged reading all the stories and seeing all the programs at the end of the year that looked back over the bad things that happened during 2010.

I got very discouraged reading all the stories and seeing all the programs at the end of the year that looked back over the bad things that happened during 2010. Do you think the world is ever going to get any better?

Our daughter told us in tears the other day that some of the girls in her class (seventh grade) have been making fun of her because she isn't particularly athletic or popular.

Our daughter told us in tears the other day that some of the girls in her class (seventh grade) have been making fun of her because she isn't particularly athletic or popular. Should we say something to her teacher about this? We don't want to embarrass her or make things worse.

If God is all-powerful, then why doesn't He take care of my financial problems?

If God is all-powerful, then why doesn't He take care of my financial problems? I'm beginning to think He must not care, or else He isn't as powerful as people think He is. Maybe you can help me understand all this.

I really love my girlfriend, but it seems like all we do is fight.

I really love my girlfriend, but it seems like all we do is fight. She says I don't understand her (although I desperately try), and anyway, she just seems to have a lot of anger built up inside her that she keeps venting on me. Is there any future for us?

Does God let some people have a glimpse of Heaven just before they die?

Does God let some people have a glimpse of Heaven just before they die? Some in our family say that happened to our grandmother—but if it's true, why doesn't God let it happen to everyone? Did it happen to anyone in the Bible?

We took our grandchildren to a movie while they were visiting over the Christmas holidays, and we were appalled at its bad language and sexual content.

We took our grandchildren to a movie while they were visiting over the Christmas holidays, and we were appalled at its bad language and sexual content. I guess we've been living a sheltered life, but do you think our society is falling apart, morally and spiritually?

I've been shaken because a good friend has turned his back on everything Christian. What can I say to him?

I've been shaken because a good friend has turned his back on everything Christian. I don't know what triggered it, but he used to be a moral person and go to church and everything, and now he's the complete opposite. What can I say to him?

I admit I'm a very shy person and find it hard to reach out to people I know are hurting and try to help them, although I know I should.

I admit I'm a very shy person and find it hard to reach out to people I know are hurting and try to help them, although I know I should. How can I overcome this? Or does God expect me to?

What good does it do to ask people to pray for you?

What good does it do to ask people to pray for you? They aren't any better than I am, and anyway, I don't like sharing my problems with someone and then wondering if they're going to gossip about them.

My wife told me the other day that my basic problem is that I'm just stubborn and won't admit it when I'm wrong, even if I am.

My wife told me the other day that my basic problem is that I'm just stubborn and won't admit it when I'm wrong, even if I am. Maybe she's right, but if so, how do I change? I'm not sure I can, or that I even want to. It's just the way I am.

I've been in rehab for several months and am staying clean so far, but secretly I fear what'll happen when I get out.

My new year's resolution is to stay off drugs. I've been in rehab for several months and am staying clean so far, but secretly I fear what'll happen when I get out. Can God help me?

Our church has a new pastor, and we're beginning to wonder if we ought to change churches.

Our church has a new pastor, and we're beginning to wonder if we ought to change churches. He has a much different personality from our old pastor, and we aren't sure we agree with some of the things he's trying to do. How should we decide?