
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Does God know everything that's going to happen to us?

Does God know everything that's going to happen to us? I suppose you'll say He does, but if He knows everything, then why doesn't He intervene and stop all the bad stuff before it even happens?

If angels are real, then why can't we see them?

If angels are real, then why can't we see them? I know you often see pictures or figures of them with wings and halos and everything, but how do we know what they look like, or even if they exist?

If all our sins are forgiven, then why does the Bible say we'll have to stand before God to be judged?

If all our sins are forgiven, then why does the Bible say we'll have to stand before God to be judged? Does this mean it isn't enough to believe in Jesus and put our trust in Him as our Saviour?

I know I ought to read my Bible, and I try to, but I just can't seem to make much sense of it.

I know I ought to read my Bible, and I try to, but I just can't seem to make much sense of it. How can I get more out of my Bible? Maybe I need one of those modern translations.

I wish someone had told me how hard it is to be a single mom.

I wish someone had told me how hard it is to be a single mom. I thought getting a divorce would be the answer to all my problems but all it did was create bigger problems. I don't have a question, but maybe my letter will help someone avoid my mistakes.

You're free to have your own opinion, but as far as I'm concerned, once you're dead, that's it.

You're free to have your own opinion, but as far as I'm concerned, once you're dead, that's it. When we die, we're no different from an animal lying dead by the side of the road. The only life we'll ever experience is the one we're living right now. Life after death is just a myth.

As far as I'm concerned the most important thing about religion is following the Golden Rule and treating people kindly.

As far as I'm concerned the most important thing about religion is following the Golden Rule and treating people kindly. After all, isn't that what Jesus told us to do? We'd have a lot fewer problems in the world if everyone did this, in my opinion.

Two months ago I met someone on an airplane who told me about Jesus, and I asked Him to come into my life.

I didn't grow up in a religious family and never thought much about God, but two months ago I met someone on an airplane who told me about Jesus, and I asked Him to come into my life. How do I go about finding a church? I guess that's the next step, isn't it?

My wife and I never did get along very well, so when she died I thought it wouldn't bother me.

My wife and I never did get along very well, so when she died I thought it wouldn't bother me. But now I think about her all the time, and I miss her terribly. I wish I could tell her I'm sorry, because I know most of it was my fault. Why do I feel so bad?

I've been without a job for two years, and finally I've just given up and stopped looking.

I've been without a job for two years, and finally I've just given up and stopped looking. I know it's tough on my family, but I can't help it. Why doesn't God do something?

Our mother had some nice things — and after she died, the arguing over who would get what became very bitter.

Our mother had some nice things -- and after she died, the arguing over who would get what became very bitter. I know she would've been shocked at the way some family members acted. Why are people so greedy? Most of it wasn't worth much anyway.

Did Jesus ever commit sin?

Did Jesus ever commit sin? No one is perfect, so I have a hard time imagining that He didn't sin, but I've also heard that Christians believe He was perfect. How was that possible?