
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Our church is talking about its budget for the next fiscal year, and they want to increase the amount they're giving to missionaries in other countries.

Our church is talking about its budget for the next fiscal year, and they want to increase the amount they're giving to missionaries in other countries. But don't those countries have their own religion? Why should we impose our faith on them?

I'm shocked because a cousin of mine says he's decided to get involved in Satan worship.

I'm shocked because a cousin of mine says he's decided to get involved in Satan worship. I don't know if he's serious or just trying to shock us, but why would anyone want to follow the devil? Can anything good come from that?

My grandparents all died in Nazi concentration camps during the World War II.

My grandparents all died in Nazi concentration camps during the World War II. Can you understand why people like me have a hard time believing that God cares what goes on down here? Why didn't God stop what was going on?

I have a hard time believing God loves me.

I have a hard time believing God loves me. I know you'll say He does, and sometimes I believe it, but most of the time I don't (although I wish I did). If you knew all the bad things I've done, you'd understand why I can't believe God loves me.

I'm confused, because on Easter our pastor said that not only will our souls go to be with God, but we'll also be given new bodies in heaven. Is this in the Bible?

I'm confused, because on Easter our pastor said that not only will our souls go to be with God, but we'll also be given new bodies in heaven. Is this in the Bible? Why would we need new bodies there?

I'm in a rehab program (alcohol) that encourages us to reach out to a "Higher Power" for help. But I don't really believe in a "Higher Power."

I'm in a rehab program (alcohol) that encourages us to reach out to a "Higher Power" for help. But I don't really believe in a "Higher Power," and no one here can explain to me how to find one, either. If you could talk to me, what would you say?

I'm due to be released from prison in a couple of months, but I'm dreading it because my wife just filed for divorce and says no one in the family wants anything to do with me.

I'm due to be released from prison in a couple of months, but I'm dreading it because my wife just filed for divorce and says no one in the family wants anything to do with me. I'm so discouraged. I need your prayers.

I've prayed and prayed for God to help me with my financial problems, but nothing happens.

I've prayed and prayed for God to help me with my financial problems, but nothing happens. I was convinced He'd help me win the latest Powerball lottery but He didn't. What am I doing wrong?

How do we know there's life after death? I'd like to think there is, but do we just have to wait until we die to find out?

I've been thinking a lot about death recently because of a couple of friends who died last year, and I'd like to ask you a question: How do we know there's life after death? I'd like to think there is, but do we just have to wait until we die to find out?

Jesus' death has always puzzled me because I can't understand why people would have wanted to put a good man like Him to death.

Jesus' death has always puzzled me because I can't understand why people would have wanted to put a good man like Him to death. Did He do something criminal that we don't know about?

Why did Judas turn against Jesus and betray Him for 30 pieces of silver?

Why did Judas turn against Jesus and betray Him for 30 pieces of silver? After all, he had the same experiences with Jesus that the other disciples had, so he should have known it was wrong to do what he did.

Why didn't Jesus go into hiding once He realized the authorities were out to get Him?

Why didn't Jesus go into hiding once He realized the authorities were out to get Him? That's what I would have done.