
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I always wanted happiness in my life, and I thought I'd found it with my boyfriend. But now he's left me, and I'm so confused.

I always wanted happiness in my life, and I thought I'd found it with my boyfriend. But now he's left me, and I'm so confused. I'm not sure why I'm writing, but I just don't know where I'm headed.

Do you think there are more atheists today than there used to be?

Do you think there are more atheists today than there used to be? I don't remember hearing much about them 20 or 30 years ago, but now it seems like you hear about them all the time.

How can I keep my mind focused on God when I have so many distractions?

How can I keep my mind focused on God when I have so many distractions? I start each day saying I'm going to stay close to Christ, but then I get so caught up in my work that I hardly give God a thought the rest of the day. I know I shouldn't be like this, but I am.

I'm taking a religion class in college, and before Easter, my professor (who says he's an agnostic) said there are lots of ancient myths about gods who died and rose again from the dead.

I'm taking a religion class in college, and before Easter, my professor (who says he's an agnostic) said there are lots of ancient myths about gods who died and rose again from the dead, and the story of Jesus rising from the dead is just another myth. Have you ever heard of this idea? It's kind of shaken my faith.

How do you know if God is telling you to do something, or if it's the devil?

How do you know if God is telling you to do something, or if it's the devil? I need to make an important decision, and I think I know what God wants me to do, but I also worry that the devil might be trying to mislead me. How can I know?

I guess I'd never thought much about Jesus saying that everything was finished. What did He mean by that?

Before Easter, I went to a Lenten service on Jesus' words from the cross. I guess I'd never thought much about Jesus saying that everything was finished. What did He mean by that? Was it a cry of despair? Had He given up hope?

When something bad happens to us, is God punishing us for something we've done wrong?

When something bad happens to us, is God punishing us for something we've done wrong? I'm undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer, and I keep wondering what I did to deserve this. Is it wrong to think this way?

I don't understand what preachers mean when they say we need to invite Jesus into our heart.

I don't understand what preachers mean when they say we need to invite Jesus into our heart. I know the

I really want to be a good mother but I'm not sure I know how.

I really want to be a good mother but I'm not sure I know how. My parents were divorced when I was young, and to be honest, my mother wasn't a very good example. What kind of mother does God want me to be?

A friend of mine talks about seeking God's will about decisions she's facing, but what does she mean?

A friend of mine talks about seeking God's will about decisions she's facing, but what does she mean? I believe in God and all that, but I'm not sure He cares about the decisions we make. He's too big to bother with little things like that, in my opinion.

Our pastor prays for our leaders and for world peace every week, but does it really do any good?

Our pastor prays for our leaders and for world peace every week, but does it really do any good? It seems like nothing changes, either in politics or in world events. Do we pray just so we'll think we're doing something worthwhile?

Many years ago, as a teenager, I went forward at an evangelistic meeting and supposedly gave my life to Jesus.

Many years ago, as a teenager, I went forward at an evangelistic meeting and supposedly gave my life to Jesus. I say "supposedly" because I never did anything about it, and since then I've barely given a thought to God. Well, I'm an old man now and I know I need God. Is it too late?