
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I've been very, very lonely since my husband died two years ago. Now I'm afraid I'm about to get involved in a relationship that I know probably isn't going to turn out very well, but I can't seem to stop myself.

I've been very, very lonely since my husband died two years ago. Now I'm afraid I'm about to get involved in a relationship that I know probably isn't going to turn out very well, but I can't seem to stop myself. What advice would you give me?

I know we're supposed to forgive people who hurt us, but some terrible things happened to me when I was younger, and I'll never be able to forgive the person who did them.

I know we're supposed to forgive people who hurt us, but some terrible things happened to me when I was younger, and I'll never be able to forgive the person who did them. The memory of what he did will torture me the rest of my life.

My neighbor says that in his opinion all preachers and evangelists are crooks and liars. Have you ever had people accuse you of this before? How did you answer them?

My neighbor says that in his opinion all preachers and evangelists are crooks and liars. Have you ever had people accuse you of this before? How did you answer them? My neighbor says he's an atheist and doesn't want anything to do with organized religion.

My marriage hasn't been all that fulfilling, and now I've reconnected over the Internet with an old flame from high school who's in the same situation.

My marriage hasn't been all that fulfilling, and now I've reconnected over the Internet with an old flame from high school who's in the same situation. I don't know where it'll go, but why would it be wrong for us to get together on the sly? I know several people who do this.

A friend told me several times that God had spoken to her about some decision she had to make, but when I finally asked if she'd actually heard God speak to her, she admitted she hadn't.

A friend told me several times that God had spoken to her about some decision she had to make, but when I finally asked if she'd actually heard God speak to her, she admitted she hadn't. What do you think she meant when she said God spoke to her?

I turned my life over to Jesus when I was in prison, but now some people in my church don't want anything to do with me.

I turned my life over to Jesus when I was in prison, but now some people in my church don't want anything to do with me. One told my wife they don't trust me because they assume I "got religion" in prison just so I'd get out earlier. This really hurt me. What should I do?

I'm in third grade, and my mommy said to write you because she couldn't answer my question. Where is heaven?

I'm in third grade, and my mommy said to write you because she couldn't answer my question. Where is heaven? Is it way off somewhere, or is it maybe on the back of the moon?

My uncle doesn't have anything to do with the church he grew up in (or any other church), because he says Christians are just a bunch of hypocrites and aren't any better than anyone else.

My uncle doesn't have anything to do with the church he grew up in (or any other church), because he says Christians are just a bunch of hypocrites and aren't any better than anyone else. How can I answer him? My faith is very important to me, and his attitude really hurts me.

We don't know what to do, because the doctor says our mother has terminal cancer, and yet she refuses to admit it or do anything she ought to be doing (like making a will).

We don't know what to do, because the doctor says our mother has terminal cancer, and yet she refuses to admit it or do anything she ought to be doing (like making a will). How can we help her? She gets angry if we even mention it.

Please pray for me. My doctor said I'm bipolar, which means that one day I'm really up emotionally and the next day I'm down so far I don't even want to live.

Please pray for me. My doctor said I'm bipolar, which means that one day I'm really up emotionally and the next day I'm down so far I don't even want to live. If enough people pray for me maybe I'll be healed, although it doesn't look very hopeful.

My father (who's gone now) was very abusive, never showing any love but always using violence to make us obey him.

My father (who's gone now) was very abusive, never showing any love but always using violence to make us obey him. I can't even imagine loving God, because my idea of Him is that He's just like my father, just waiting for us to get out of line so He can punish us.

I think I'd probably believe in Jesus if He were living today, but how can you believe in someone who lived a couple of thousand years ago?

I think I'd probably believe in Jesus if He were living today, but how can you believe in someone who lived a couple of thousand years ago? Maybe He didn't even exist and someone just made Him up.