
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Are you supposed to feel guilty when you do something God doesn't like?

Are you supposed to feel guilty when you do something God doesn't like? If so, there must be something wrong with me, because to be honest I enjoy doing things that are probably wrong, and I don't feel particularly guilty over it.

Can you give me even one reason to become a Christian? I'm in high school, and a couple of my Christian friends keep bugging me to give my life to Jesus.

Can you give me even one reason to become a Christian? I'm in high school, and a couple of my Christian friends keep bugging me to give my life to Jesus. I like the life I'm living right now, and I don't see any reason to change. But I promised I'd e-mail you.

Recently, I read about a new book that claims God won't send anyone to hell.

Recently, I read about a new book that claims God won't send anyone to hell. The reason is because God loves the whole world, and therefore everyone will be saved and go to heaven. Do you think he might be right?

I've tried to give some Bible verses to my friend, because he's kind of messed up and needs God.

I've tried to give some Bible verses to my friend, because he's kind of messed up and needs God. But every time I do this he just laughs and says the Bible is like any other book, and there's no reason to believe what it says. How can I prove to him that it is God's Word?

What is the Holy Spirit?

What is the Holy Spirit? Is it more important today than Jesus, since Jesus isn't around any more but the Holy Spirit still is?

I know this isn't a spiritual question, but I'm heading to college shortly and I don't have any idea what to major in.

I know this isn't a spiritual question, but I'm heading to college shortly and I don't have any idea what to major in. I guess the real problem is that I don't know what to do with my life. How can I decide?

I get very discouraged when I read the news, because all it's about is the latest crime, or sexual abuse, or wars, and so forth.

I get very discouraged when I read the news, because all it's about is the latest crime, or sexual abuse, or wars, and so forth. Do you think the world is getting worse than it was a century or so ago? I thought it was supposed to get better.

I get concerned when I see some of the things that have happened to some of my friends' children as they've grown older.

I get concerned when I see some of the things that have happened to some of my friends' children as they've grown older. What can I do to keep them from happening to our two boys?

Do the bad things that happen in our lives hurt God and make Him sad?

Do the bad things that happen in our lives hurt God and make Him sad? I've had a lot of heartaches in my life, and they'd be a lot easier to bear if I just knew that they made Him feel the same way I feel.

Our son came back to live with us after college, saying he just needed a place to stay until he could find a job.

Our son came back to live with us after college, saying he just needed a place to stay until he could find a job. Well, that was over two years ago, and all he does now is watch TV or play football with his buddies. He doesn't even help around the house. Did we make a mistake letting him move back home?

I thought I was making the right choice when I left my wife for another woman many years ago, but I realize now I was thinking only about myself.

I thought I was making the right choice when I left my wife for another woman many years ago, but I realize now I was thinking only about myself. Will God ever forgive me? I wish He would because I feel very guilty, but doubt if He will.

I don't see what use the Old Testament is to us today.

I don't see what use the Old Testament is to us today. I believe in Jesus, and I enjoy reading the New Testament, but to me the Old Testament seems out of date. Am I missing something?