
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Yesterday, a friend of mine and I were discussing religion, and she talked about the danger of being a "worldly Christian."

Yesterday, a friend of mine and I were discussing religion, and she talked about the danger of being a "worldly Christian." I think I know what she meant, but is this term found in the Bible?

My neighbor believes the universe is filled with all kinds of spiritual energy (both negative and positive), and our goal (if I understand her) should be to align ourselves with the positive flows of energy and avoid the negative flows.

My neighbor believes the universe is filled with all kinds of spiritual energy (both negative and positive), and our goal (if I understand her) should be to align ourselves with the positive flows of energy and avoid the negative flows. Is this just another way of talking about God, or is it something different?

My nephew has broken the hearts of his whole family, because he got involved in some very bad things and has just been sentenced to prison for at least seven years.

My nephew has broken the hearts of his whole family, because he got involved in some very bad things and has just been sentenced to prison for at least seven years. I don't even know how to pray for him, because it seems like it's too late.

I grew up in a religious family, but once I got out on my own I left all that behind.

I grew up in a religious family, but once I got out on my own I left all that behind. If I had it to do over again I wouldn't go down that road because I've learned the hard way that once you leave God out of your life, it can be miserable. Maybe someone will learn from my experience.

I asked Jesus to come into my life at a high school church camp a few weeks ago, but how do I know He did?

I asked Jesus to come into my life at a high school church camp a few weeks ago, but how do I know He did? I still do things I know are wrong.

I hate myself because I've fallen into a bad habit and I can't seem to break it. It started when I got on a pornographic website by accident, and now I can't stop.

I hate myself because I've fallen into a bad habit and I can't seem to break it. It started when I got on a pornographic website by accident, and now I can't stop. The devil must be happy the way he's got his hooks in me over this. Please pray I'll break free.

I get very upset when I read about corrupt public officials, voters who are only interested in themselves, and things like that.

I get very upset when I read about corrupt public officials, voters who are only interested in themselves, and things like that. What has happened to our country? Will we ever find our way back?

Someone told me recently that when someone dies, an angel accompanies them into heaven (assuming that is their final destination). Is this true?

Someone told me recently that when someone dies, an angel accompanies them into heaven (assuming that is their final destination). Is this true? Or is it just a comforting idea someone dreamed up which may or may not be true? I've never thought about angels before.

I didn't grow up in a religious family, so a lot of what goes on in the church my wife and I are attending is kind of mysterious to me.

I didn't grow up in a religious family, so a lot of what goes on in the church my wife and I are attending is kind of mysterious to me. For example, recently the pastor has been talking about tithing. I gather this has something to do with money, but what is it exactly?

When is Jesus going to return to earth?

When is Jesus going to return to earth? I know some people have tried to figure this out (and failed), but what is your opinion?

I've prayed and prayed for God to take away my doubts and give me a strong faith, but nothing happens.

I've prayed and prayed for God to take away my doubts and give me a strong faith, but nothing happens. Maybe God doesn't want me to be a Christian. Is that possible?

As far as I'm concerned, religion is just for weak people — people who need a crutch to lean on to get through life.

As far as I'm concerned, religion is just for weak people -- people who need a crutch to lean on to get through life. I don't need religion or God. I take life as it comes, and meet whatever it hands me in my own strength.