
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

My family came to the United States because our country persecuted Christians.

My family came to the United States because our country persecuted Christians. We worked hard and became citizens, but my English is not good and people in the church we attend not very friendly, and it hurts me. Maybe you could say something so churches be friendlier.

I try to be unselfish and treat people the same way I'd like them to treat me. What else does God want me to do?

I try to be unselfish and treat people the same way I'd like them to treat me. What else does God want me to do? I had a cancer scare several years ago, and it's made me think about heaven and whether or not I'll go there when I die.

My sister supposedly gave her life to Jesus when she was 8, but you'd never know it now.

My sister supposedly gave her life to Jesus when she was 8, but you'd never know it now. Will she go to heaven anyway, in spite of the way she's turned her back on everything Christian?

What do you think a "lukewarm" Christian is?

What do you think a "lukewarm" Christian is? I heard part of a sermon about this the other day on our local Christian radio station, and I think I must be one. But I don't know what I ought to do about it.

My friend believes that if she just has enough faith, God will make her rich and she won't have any more financial problems.

My friend believes that if she just has enough faith, God will make her rich and she won't have any more financial problems. I asked where she found this in the Bible and she couldn't tell me, but she still believes it because someone on television said so. What can I tell her?

I'll probably be in college when you get this, and to be honest I'm scared to death.

I'll probably be in college when you get this, and to be honest I'm scared to death. I'm not worried about the classwork because I've always been a fairly good student. But I'm shy and have a hard time making friends, which worries me. How can I get over this?

I'm on disability and unable to work, so what use am I to God?

I'm on disability and unable to work, so what use am I to God? I know preachers like to talk about God having a plan for our lives and all that, but maybe He doesn't have a plan for people like me.

Mr. Graham, how are you different today from what you were when you first started out in your ministry?

Mr. Graham, how are you different today from what you were when you first started out in your ministry? Surely you've changed your mind about some things, haven't you?

Why do Christians (at least the ones I know who take their faith seriously) say Jesus is the only way to God?

Why do Christians (at least the ones I know who take their faith seriously) say Jesus is the only way to God? As far as I'm concerned, that's intolerant and narrow-minded.

I'm 15, and I'm scared about all the prophecies that are out there saying the end of the world is coming.

I'm 15, and I'm scared about all the prophecies that are out there saying the end of the world is coming. I just read another one that says the world is going to end in 2012. Is this true? I hope not.

I've given my life to Jesus, but I'm still filled with doubts and wonder if He's really forgiven me.

I've given my life to Jesus, but I'm still filled with doubts and wonder if He's really forgiven me. A strong faith seems to come easily to some people, but I'm afraid I'm not one of them. Am I always going to be this way?

Several people in our church have the text of the Bible on their iPads or other electronic devices, and they even use these texts during worship services.

Several people in our church have the text of the Bible on their iPads or other electronic devices, and they even use these texts during worship services. Do you think these will ever replace regular Bibles? I hope not, because I'm not very good with things like this.