
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

How long will it take us to get to heaven, once we die?

How long will it take us to get to heaven, once we die? Will it be like space travel is today, taking maybe millions of years to get there?

I don't understand my husband. We've been married almost 62 years, and in the last year or so he's gotten more and more forgetful.

I don't understand my husband. We've been married almost 62 years, and in the last year or so he's gotten more and more forgetful, and he also gets angry and difficult to live with. I just don't know what to do. Do you have any advice?

I'm afraid I'll miss heaven because I'm not in "the book of life," whatever that is.

I've heard that your name has to be written in something called "the book of life" before you can enter heaven. What is "the book of life"? I didn't grow up in a religious family, and I'm afraid I'll miss heaven because I'm not in "the book of life," whatever that is.

Now that you're older, how do you spend your time?

Now that you're older, how do you spend your time? I know you aren't preaching, but are you doing other things? I've just retired, and I'm beginning to wonder what I'm going to do with so much time on my hands.

Our son divorced his wife two years ago, and now we get to see our grandchildren (who are with her) only a couple of times a year.

Our son divorced his wife two years ago, and now we get to see our grandchildren (who are with her) only a couple of times a year. This breaks our hearts, but neither our son nor his ex-wife seem to care. Can we do anything about this?

We tried our best to raise our children to believe in Jesus and do what's right.

I feel so guilty. We tried our best to raise our children to believe in Jesus and do what's right, but now that they're adults none of them goes to church or has any use for God. Where did we go wrong?

My aunt raised me, and when she died last year I felt like a part of me had died with her.

My aunt raised me, and when she died last year I felt like a part of me had died with her. Now, a friend of mine says she knows someone who can put me in contact with her spirit. I guess I've always been suspicious of such things, but why shouldn't I give it a try?

Do people who've died and gone on to heaven know what's going on down here on earth?

Do people who've died and gone on to heaven know what's going on down here on earth? I'd like to think my parents know what's happening with their grandchildren, but maybe that's just wishful thinking.

When we found out that our son was going to be born with some significant birth defects, we prayed and prayed for God to take them away.

When we found out that our son was going to be born with some significant birth defects, we prayed and prayed for God to take them away. But He didn't, and now I'm not even sure I have any faith left. I don't want to be this way, but can you understand my feelings?

I've felt guilty since my husband's death, because I'm sure he had some definite ideas about his funeral, but I never pushed him to find out what they were, and so I didn't carry them out.

I've felt guilty since my husband's death, because I'm sure he had some definite ideas about his funeral, but I never pushed him to find out what they were, and so I didn't carry them out. I'm even reluctant to meet him in heaven because I'm afraid he'll be angry at me. Is my fear foolish?

My uncle had a lot of mental problems most of his life, and they finally overwhelmed him and he killed himself.

My uncle had a lot of mental problems most of his life, and they finally overwhelmed him and he killed himself. It's been very hard on his family, but one of the hardest things is that someone at the visitation told them that suicide is the unforgivable sin. Is it?

My adoptive parents are great, and I couldn't have asked for a more loving and generous family. But I've always felt that their families looked down on me because I'm not a blood relative.

My adoptive parents are great, and I couldn't have asked for a more loving and generous family. But I've always felt that their families looked down on me because I'm not a blood relative, and that's very hurtful. Can I do anything to get them to accept me?