
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I got pregnant when I was 17, and I didn't know what I was getting into.

I got pregnant when I was 17, and I didn't know what I was getting into. The 10 years since then have really been a struggle. Why didn't God keep me from going down that road?

I know my life is going to be different now that I've turned it over to Jesus, but what does He want me to do?

I know my life is going to be different now that I've turned it over to Jesus, but what does He want me to do? I'm just an ordinary person without any particular gifts, but I hope God can do something with my life.

I remember from my days in Sunday School that the ancient Israelites were slaves in Egypt for a long time. Do you think they might have built the pyramids?

I remember from my days in Sunday School that the ancient Israelites were slaves in Egypt for a long time. Do you think they might have built the pyramids? I've always been curious about them, and whether or not pyramids have some spiritual significance or power.

What does the Bible mean when it says somewhere that in God's eyes a day isn't any different from 1,000 years?

What does the Bible mean when it says somewhere that in God's eyes a day isn't any different from 1,000 years? Does this mean God isn't interested in what takes place in human history, for example?

What would the world be like today if Adam and Eve hadn't eaten that forbidden fruit?

What would the world be like today if Adam and Eve hadn't eaten that forbidden fruit? Would we be living in a perfect world, or would the devil still be trying to lead people astray?

I hope you'll tell people who are slaves to pornography that God can deliver them also.

I know you sometimes get letters from people who've gotten trapped by pornography on the Internet. I was, too, but God freed me instantly once I gave my life to Jesus, and I hope you'll tell people who are slaves to pornography that God can deliver them also.

My father was very abusive and cruel, and I admit I've never gotten over this.

My father was very abusive and cruel, and I admit I've never gotten over this. I know that's why I have such a hard time picturing God as a loving and kind father. But I can't help my feelings, can I?

I believe you can gain enlightenment from any religion, as long as you sincerely follow its teachings.

I believe you can gain enlightenment from any religion, as long as you sincerely follow its teachings. I have a couple of Christian friends who disagree but they can't tell me why. What would you say?

I know you've said we shouldn't be bitter over some of the things people do to us, but why not?

I know you've said we shouldn't be bitter over some of the things people do to us, but why not? My husband dumped me for another woman, and as far as I'm concerned, I have every right to be bitter over it.

I know we talk a lot about God's will for us, what He wants to do in the world, and things like that, but what is the devil's plan for all this?

I know we talk a lot about God's will for us, what He wants to do in the world, and things like that, but what is the devil's plan for all this? Or does the Bible say anything about this?

I've gotten myself into a hole financially because I just can't seem to say no when I go shopping.

I've gotten myself into a hole financially because I just can't seem to say no when I go shopping. I love to shop, and it's only later that I stop to think about the consequences. I know this isn't a spiritual issue, but maybe you can suggest something.

I've tried to go to church, but I just don't fit in.

I've tried to go to church, but I just don't fit in. I can't afford fancy clothes, and anyway,being a single mom kind of puts me outside their normal pattern. Do you think God will understand how I feel?