
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

How can I know whether or not to stay with my boyfriend?

How can I know whether or not to stay with my boyfriend? I like him and we talk about getting married, but he admits he's been a bit wild and even fathered a couple of children he never sees. But he says he wants to settle down now. Should I trust him?

Do you think we'll ever know if there's life on other planets?

Do you think we'll ever know if there's life on other planets? My 8-year-old son (who is fascinated by space travel) asked me this question, but I didn't know how to answer him. Does the Bible say anything about life on other planets?

Does it really do any good to ask others to pray for us when we're having a problem?

Does it really do any good to ask others to pray for us when we're having a problem? I admit I don't like to share my personal problems with people I hardly know, by asking them to pray for me.

Aren't Christians supposed to quit sinning once they've decided to follow Jesus?

Aren't Christians supposed to quit sinning once they've decided to follow Jesus? If so, how come we keep on sinning? No matter how hard I try, I know I'm not perfect, and I don't think I ever will be.

I know we won't avoid the usual excitement that happens in our house on Christmas morning, but what can we do to help our children understand the true meaning of Christmas?

I know we won't avoid the usual excitement that happens in our house on Christmas morning, but what can we do to help our children understand the true meaning of Christmas?

Why do you think the angels appeared only to the shepherds when Jesus was born, and not to a vast number of people?

Why do you think the angels appeared only to the shepherds when Jesus was born, and not to a vast number of people? Didn't God want people to know that Jesus had come into the world?

I'm from another country, studying at one of your universities. I would like to know more about your religion.

I'm from another country, studying at one of your universities. I would like to know more about your religion. I know you celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas, and I understand He was the founder of your religion, but what made Him different from other religious leaders?

Our extended family is getting together for Christmas this year, and I have to admit I'm not looking forward to it.

Our extended family is getting together for Christmas this year, and I have to admit I'm not looking forward to it. Some of our relatives don't get along with each other, and I'm afraid we'll just end up squabbling. Any suggestions?

Where did the idea of giving gifts at Christmas come from?

Where did the idea of giving gifts at Christmas come from? I enjoy Christmas and don't want to change anything, but one of my grandchildren asked me this recently and I didn't know what to say.

I’d like to do something different with our family this year during the last week before Christmas, and have us read part of the Christmas story together each night. Where would you suggest we begin reading?

I'd like to do something different with our family this year during the last week before Christmas, and have us read part of the Christmas story together each night. Where would you suggest we begin reading?

My husband lost his job recently and we really can't afford to give people as much for Christmas this year as we have in the past.

My husband lost his job recently and we really can't afford to give people as much for Christmas this year as we have in the past. But I'm afraid we'll offend them if we cut back too much. I know this isn't a spiritual question, but how should we handle this?

A few months ago, a couple came to our door wanting to talk about their religion. At first, we were interested, but now they keep coming back and we can't get rid of them. What should we do?

A few months ago, a couple came to our door wanting to talk about their religion. At first, we were interested, but now they keep coming back and we can't get rid of them. What should we do? We don't go to church or anything, so we can't use that as an excuse.