
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I decided I needed to start going to church, but I ended up in a church with lots of problems, and I've given up on religion.

I decided I needed to start going to church, but I ended up in a church with lots of problems, and I've given up on religion. If Christians can't get along with each other, why should I become one?

I've achieved almost everything I ever wanted in life, but as I look back I realize it's still left me empty inside, and I don't know why.

I've achieved almost everything I ever wanted in life, but as I look back I realize it's still left me empty inside, and I don't know why. They say money can't buy happiness, and I know now that it's true, but where can I find it?

I have several Christian friends, but to be honest they live kind of dull lives.

I have several Christian friends, but to be honest they live kind of dull lives. They say I need to become a Christian, but I can't get very excited about it, frankly. Am I missing something?

Is it possible to become addicted to just about anything?

Is it possible to become addicted to just about anything? My husband spends hours and hours every day playing games on the computer, when he ought to be out looking for a job (he lost his six months ago). I love him, but this is really getting under my skin.

When I was younger, I did a lot of bad things, and I've never gotten over feeling guilty about them.

When I was younger, I did a lot of bad things, and I've never gotten over feeling guilty about them. I'd feel better if I knew God would forgive me, but I can't see any reason why He should. Can you?

I'd like to think that when I die it won't be the end of me, but there will be another life of some kind out there for me. Is this just wishful thinking?

I'd like to think that when I die it won't be the end of me, but there will be another life of some kind out there for me. Is this just wishful thinking?

My high school science teacher says we humans are just animals, and God didn't have anything to do with putting us here.

My high school science teacher says we humans are just animals, and God didn't have anything to do with putting us here. This is really confusing me, because I've always tried to believe what the Bible says.

I decided to give my life to Jesus a few months ago, but what do I do now?

I decided to give my life to Jesus a few months ago, but what do I do now? I guess I'm supposed to give up my bad habits, but what else is there to it?

I've decided to read a chapter of the New Testament every day this year. They all seem to say the same thing. Can you help?

I've decided to read a chapter of the New Testament every day this year. But I don't understand why there are four separate accounts of Jesus' life instead of just one. They all seem to say the same thing. Can you help?

I suppose you get letters like this every year, but I made a long list of New Year's resolutions this year and in less than a week I've broken them all.

I suppose you get letters like this every year, but I made a long list of New Year's resolutions this year and in less than a week I've broken them all. There wasn't anything wrong with them, and they would have made me a better person, but why can't I keep them?

I've tried to befriend a young man I work with who seems lonely, and have even invited him to our home for dinner several times. But he's always refused, and finally he told me that he is a Christian and isn't supposed to be friends with anyone who isn't a Christian. Is this what the Bible teaches?

I've tried to befriend a young man I work with who seems lonely, and have even invited him to our home for dinner several times. But he's always refused, and finally he told me that he is a Christian and isn't supposed to be friends with anyone who isn't a Christian. Is this what the Bible teaches?

Are You Lonely?

Do you feel lonely? You aren't alone. Today Billy Graham responds to questions from readers at three different phases of life: a college student who feels isolated, an empty-nester and an elderly man who just lost his wife.