
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Was Jonah really swallowed by a whale?

Was Jonah really swallowed by a whale? Excuse the pun, but I have a hard time swallowing that. It makes a nice story, I guess, but I honestly can't imagine that it really happened.

I'm convinced our son (who's 31) is about to make a big mistake by marrying a woman who's very selfish and has been married several times before, but he won't listen.

I'm convinced our son (who's 31) is about to make a big mistake by marrying a woman who's very selfish and has been married several times before, but he won't listen. I suppose we ought to leave him alone, but how can we? We don't want to see him get hurt.

Losing my job has really sent me into a tailspin, and I can't seem to pull out of it.

Losing my job has really sent me into a tailspin, and I can't seem to pull out of it. My doctor says I'm just depressed and gave me some pills to make me feel better, but life still seems hopeless. Where is God in all this?

Is it just me or is the world actually getting morally and spiritually worse?

Is it just me or is the world actually getting morally and spiritually worse? It seems like we've lost sight of moral values today, and we hardly know the difference between right and wrong. How did we get this way?

I have a friend who claims that the Bible says everyone will eventually go to heaven, and that hell doesn't exist.

I have a friend who claims that the Bible says everyone will eventually go to heaven, and that hell doesn't exist. This isn't what I was taught as a boy in Sunday school, but is this what the Bible says?

Why does God heal some people and not others?

Why does God heal some people and not others? We prayed and prayed for my little niece's leukemia to go away, but God didn't heal her and she died. I have to admit it's hard not to feel bitter.

I want to serve God somehow, but I don't see any way I could go to seminary or something like that, both because of finances and because I'm too old to go back to school.

I want to serve God somehow, but I don't see any way I could go to seminary or something like that, both because of finances and because I'm too old to go back to school. Am I disobeying God? I don't know what to do.

Lately, my wife has been having serious memory problems (we're both in our late 70s). I know I ought to take her to the doctor, but I'm afraid he'll tell us she has Alzheimer's.

Lately, my wife has been having serious memory problems (we're both in our late 70s). I know I ought to take her to the doctor, but I'm afraid he'll tell us she has Alzheimer's, and I just can't face that. What should I do? Please pray for us.

I've felt kind of a pull in my heart, telling me I need God. Or is it too late?

I was very active in church when I was young, but somehow I drifted away from it and haven't been in a church for many years. Recently, however, I've felt kind of a pull in my heart, telling me I need God. Or is it too late?

If Jesus is going to come again someday and eliminate all the evil in the world, then why didn't He do it when He came the first time?

If Jesus is going to come again someday and eliminate all the evil in the world, then why didn't He do it when He came the first time? Couldn't He have stayed around and finished what He came to do?

I'm the only one in my family or among my friends who cares about God, and it's hard trying to stay true to what I know is right.

I'm in high school, and last summer I gave my life to Jesus at a church camp. But I'm the only one in my family or among my friends who cares about God, and it's hard trying to stay true to what I know is right. What would you say to me?

I know God has forgiven me, but I can't forgive myself for some of the things I've done, and the way I've hurt some of my family.

I know God has forgiven me, but I can't forgive myself for some of the things I've done, and the way I've hurt some of my family. All I can think about is what a bad person I've been. I even wonder sometimes if God hasn't forgiven me after all.