
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

My hearing has gotten worse as I've grown older, and finally I've just stopped going to church because I can't understand what's being said.

My hearing has gotten worse as I've grown older, and finally I've just stopped going to church because I can't understand what's being said (in spite of my expensive hearing aids). Is God displeased with me for dropping out of church? I admit I do miss it.

I often hear people talk about being "born-again Christians," but what exactly do they mean?

I often hear people talk about being "born-again Christians," but what exactly do they mean? I believe in Jesus, but I'm not sure I'd use this kind of language to talk about my faith.

How do you know heaven exists?

How do you know heaven exists? I really want to believe in heaven, and sometimes I guess I do, but other times I wonder if it's just wishful thinking.

The only reason my husband and I stay together is for the sake of our children.

The only reason my husband and I stay together is for the sake of our children. But now they're both having emotional problems, and I know it's because of the tension between us. Wouldn't it be better for us just to go ahead and split?

My heart aches over a woman in my office who's constantly making bad decisions about her life, and ending up even unhappier than she was before.

My heart aches over a woman in my office who's constantly making bad decisions about her life, and ending up even unhappier than she was before. I've tried to befriend her, but when she found out I was a Christian she cut me off and said not to talk with her about God. Is there anything I can do to help her, except pray?

I've had a lot of emotional problems, and recently I started going to a psychologist someone recommended.

I've had a lot of emotional problems, and recently I started going to a psychologist someone recommended. I like her, but she's very opposed to religion and thinks people must solve their own problems instead of turning to God for help. My faith is very important to me, so should I look elsewhere?

I've always been fascinated with astrology, and have tried to guide my life according to my horoscope, and things like that.

I've always been fascinated with astrology, and have tried to guide my life according to my horoscope, and things like that. But a couple of months ago I became a Christian, and I'm wondering if maybe I shouldn't be doing this. What is your view?

Please pray I won't fall back into my old ways. I got out of prison recently and so far I've kept straight.

Please pray I won't fall back into my old ways. I got out of prison recently and so far I've kept straight, but I can't find a job and my old friends keep urging me to get back into what I used to do (dealing drugs). I don't know how much longer I'll be able to hold on.

I cheated my way through school, and now it's catching up with me because I'm supposed to know what I'm doing at work, but often I don't.

I cheated my way through school, and now it's catching up with me because I'm supposed to know what I'm doing at work, but often I don't. I feel so guilty. A friend of mine said I'd feel better if I told someone like you about it. I wish I could live those years over again. It was stupid to cheat.

I don't think most people realize just how terrible drugs are.

I don't think most people realize just how terrible drugs are. My husband vowed he'd stop taking drugs after we got married, but he didn't, and the last two years have been awful. He can't keep a job, our life is a constant battle, and I don't see any hope. Please pray for us.

We've always tried to put God first, yet both my husband and I now have multiple health problems, while our neighbors (who have no use for God) are both healthy and have good jobs.

We've always tried to put God first, yet both my husband and I now have multiple health problems, while our neighbors (who have no use for God) are both healthy and have good jobs. I admit I'm upset about this. How do you explain it?

Our church just had a missions conference, but isn't the day of foreign missions finished?

Our church just had a missions conference, but isn't the day of foreign missions finished? Most countries now have their own churches, and anyway almost everyone can hear the story of Jesus over radio or the Internet. Why do we still need missionaries?